Tables of Contents service for
Volume 59, Issue 23, December 1995
- Molecular orbital calculations on the vibrational spectra of Q3 T-(OH) species and the hydrolysis of a three-membered aluminosilicate ring
Kubicki, J.D. and Sykes, D.
page 4791-4797
- Origin of fluids and the evolution of the Atlantis II deep hydrothermal system, Red Sea: Strontium isotope study
Anschutz, P., Blanc, G. and Stille, P.
page 4799-4808
- Laser Raman spectroscopy of differential partitioning in mixed-gas clathrates in H2O-CO2-N2-CH4 fluid inclusions: Implications for microthermometry
Murphy, P.J. and Roberts, S.
page 4809-4824
- Adsorption and dissociation of Co-EDTA complexes in iron oxide-containing subsurface sands
Zachara, J.M., Smith, S.C. and Kuzel, L.S.
page 4825-4844
- The geochemical cycling of stable Pb, 210Pb, and 210Po in seasonally anoxic Lake Sammamish, Washington, USA
Balistrieri, L.S., Murray, J.W. and Paul, B.
page 4845-4861
- Rare earth element and high field strength element characteristics of whole rocks and mineral separates of ultramafic nodules in Cenozoic volcanic vents of southeastern British Columbia, Canada
Sun, M. and Kerrich, R.
page 4863-4879
- Platinum-group elements in the Merensky Reef: II. Experimental solubilities of platinum and palladium in Fe1-xS from 950 to 450°C under controlled fS2 and fH2
Ballhaus, C. and Ulmer, P.
page 4881-4888
- Early diagenesis of vascular plant tissues: Lignin and cutin decomposition and biogeochemical implications
Opsahl, S. and Benner, R.
page 4889-4904
- The evolution of the lithosphere in southern Africa: A perspective on the basic granulite xenoliths from kimberlites in South Africa
Huang, Y., Van Calsteren, P. and Hawkesworth, C.J.
page 4905-4920
- Mass transfer of helium, neon, argon, and xenon through a steady-state upper mantle
Porcelli, D. and Wasserburg, G.J.
page 4921-4937
- Noble gas studies in diamonds synthesized by shock loading in the laboratory and their implications on the origin of diamonds in ureilites
Matsuda, J., Kusumi, A., Yajima, H. and Syono, Y.
page 4939-4949
- Igneous rims on low-FeO and high-FeO chondrules in ordinary chondrites
Krot, A.N. and Wasson, J.T.
page 4951-4966
- Nickel-rich magnesiowustite in Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary spherules crystallized from ultramafic, refractory silicate liquids
Kyte, F.T. and Bohor, B.F.
page 4967-4974
- Nickel isotope abundances of type I deep-sea spheres and of iron-nickel spherules from sediments in Alberta, Canada
Xue, S., Herzog, G.F., Hall, G.S., Bi, D. and Brownlee, D.E.
page 4975-4981
- Noble gases and nitrogen released from lunar soils by acid etching
Rider, P.E., Pepin, R.O. and Becker, R.H.
page 4983-4996
- Xenon and krypton isotopes in extraterrestrial regolith soils and in the solar wind
Pepin, R.O., Becker, R.H. and Rider, P.E.
page 4997-5022
- Anomalously low sodium MORB magmas: Evidence for depleted MORB or analytical artifact?
Nielsen, R.L., Christie, D.M. and Sprtel, F.M.
page 5023-5026
- Solubility of copper in a sulfur-free mafic melt
Ripley, E.M. and Brophy, J.G.
page 5027-5030
- Gerardia: Bristlecone pine of the deep-sea?
Druffel, E.R.M., Griffin, S., Witter, A., Nelson, E., Southon, J., Kashgarian, M. and Vogel, J.
page 5031-5036
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