Tables of Contents service for
Volume 59, Issue 24, December 1995
- Experimental study of anorthite dissolution and the relative mechanism of feldspar hydrolysis
Oelkers, E.H. and Schott, J.
page 5039-5053
- Determination of source ages and migration patterns of brines from the U.S. Gulf Coast basin using 129I
Moran, J.E., Fehn, U. and Hanor, J.S.
page 5055-5069
- The effect of aqueous complexation and gibbsite surface sites on the decarboxylation rate of malonate
Fein, J.B., Gore, N., Marshall, D., Yassa, L., Loch, A. and Brantley, S.L.
page 5071-5080
- Indium and tin in basalts, sulfides, and the mantle
Wen, Y., Halliday, A.N., Der-Chuen, L. and Christensen, J.N.
page 5081-5090
- Geochemical aspects of primary magma accumulation from extended source regions
Maal_e, S.
page 5091-5101
- Elastic strain energy and the distribution coefficient of radium in solid solutions with calcium salts
Gnanapragasam, E.K. and Lewis, B.G.
page 5103-5111
- Sequential leaching of marine ferromanganese precipitates: Genetic implications
Koschinsky, A. and Halbach, P.
page 5113-5132
- Geosynthesis of organic compounds: III. Formation of alkyltoluenes and alkylxylenes in sediments
Ellis, L., Singh, R.K., Alexander, R. and Kagi, R.I.
page 5133-5140
- Early diagenesis of bacteriohopanepolyol derivatives: Formation of fossil homohopanoids
Damste, J.S.S., van Duin, A.C.T., Hollander, D., Kohnen, M.E.L. and de Leeuw, J.W.
page 5141-5157
- Osmium and neodymium isotopic constraints on the temporal and spatial evolution of Siberian flood basalt sources
Horan, M.F., Walker, R.J., Fedorenko, V.A. and Czamanske, G.K.
page 5159-5168
- Chlorine stable isotope fractionation in evaporites
Eggenkamp, H.G.M., Kreulen, R. and van Groos, A.F.K.
page 5169-5175
- Fission xenon dating of Witwatersrand uraninites: Implications for geological activity in the Central Kaapvaal Craton about 1 Ga ago
Reimold, W.U., Meshik, A.P., Smits, G., Pravdivtseva, O.V. and Shukolyukov, Yu.A.
page 5177-5190
- Direct dating of sulfides by Rb-Sr: A critical test using the Polaris Mississippi Valley-type Zn-Pb deposit
Christensen, J.N., Halliday, A.N., Leigh, K.E., Randell, R.N. and Kesler, S.E.
page 5191-5197
- Hydrogen isotope fractionation in wood-producing avocado seedlings: Biological constraints to paleoclimatic interpretations of
D values in tree ring cellulose nitrate
Terwilliger, V.J. and DeNiro, M.J.
page 5199-5207
- D/H fractionation in the system methane-hydrogen-water
Horibe, Y. and Craig, H.
page 5209-5217
- The aqueous geochemistry of rare earth elements: V. Application of photoacoustic spectroscopy to speciation at low rare earth element concentrations
Wood, S.A., Tait, C.D., Janecky, D.R. and Constantopoulos, T.L.
page 5219-5222
- UWG-2, a garnet standard for oxygen isotope ratios: Strategies for high precision and accuracy with laser heating
Valley, J.W., Kitchen, N., Kohn, M.J., Niendorf, C.R. and Spicuzza, M.J.
page 5223-5231
- Comment on _Lead isotope analyses of leached feldspars: Constraints on the early crustal history of the Grenville Orogen_ by C. P. DeWolf and K. Mezger
Dickin, A.P.
page 5233-5234
- Reply to the Comment by A. P. Dickin on _Lead isotope analyses of leached feldspars: Constraints on the early crustal history of the Grenville Orogen_
DeWolf, C.P. and Mezger, K.
page 5235-5237
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