Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2002, V 66, N 9, 1 May.

Chloe' Mare'chal and Francis Albare`de
Ion-exchange fractionation of copper and zinc isotopes 

Jasna Jurjovec, Carol J. Ptacek and David W. Blowes
Acid neutralization mechanisms and metal release in mine tailings:
a laboratory column experiment 

Andrew C. Kurtz, Louis A. Derry and Oliver A. Chadwick
Germanium-silicon fractionation in the weathering environment 

Anne-Catherine Pierson-Wickmann, Laurie Reisberg and Christian France-Lanord
Behavior of Re and Os during low-temperature alteration: Results from Himalayan 
soils and altered black shales 

Marie-Pierre Isaure et al.
Quantitative Zn speciation in a contaminated dredged sediment by µ-PIXE, µ-SXRF, 
EXAFS spectroscopy and principal component analysis 

Marith C. Reheis, James R. Budahn and Paul J. Lamothe
Geochemical evidence for diversity of dust sources in the southwestern United 

Ian T. Burke and Alan E.S. Kemp
Microfabric analysis of Mn-carbonate laminae deposition and Mn-sulfide formation 
in the Gotland Deep, Baltic Sea 

M. Gehlen et al.
Unraveling the atomic structure of biogenic silica: evidence of the structural 
association of Al and Si in diatom frustules 

S.M. Archibald, A.A. Migdisov and A.E. Williams-Jones
An experimental study of the stability of copper chloride complexes in water 
vapor at elevated temperatures and pressures 

John V. Walther
Experimental determination and analysis of the solubility of corundum in 0.1-
molal CaCl2 solutions between 400 and 600°C at 0.6 to 2.0 kbar 

P.L. King and J.R. Holloway
CO2 solubility and speciation in intermediate (andesitic) melts: the role of H2O 
and composition 

D.J. Cherniak
Ba diffusion in feldspar 

Ian H. Campbell
Implications of Nb/U, Th/U and Sm/Nd in plume magmas for the relationship 
between continental and oceanic crust formation and the development of the 
depleted mantle 

Maria Eugenia Varela, Gero Kurat, Petter Hoppe and Franz Brandsta"tter
Chemistry of glass inclusions in olivines of the CR chondrites Renazzo, Acfer 
182, and El Djouf 001 