Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2004, V 68, N 7, 1 April.

 The biogeochemical cycle of iron and associated 
 elements in Lake Kinneret1, 2, 
 Yeala Shaked , Yigal Erel and Assaf Sukenik
 Pages 1439-1451 

 Rates of weathering rind formation on Costa Rican
 Peter B. Sak , Donald M. Fisher , Thomas W. Gardner , 
 Katherine Murphy and Susan L. Brantley
 Pages 1453-1472

 A conceptual model for near-surface kinetic controls on the
 trace-element and stable isotope composition of 
 abiogenic calcite crystals1, 
 E. Bruce Watson
 Pages 1473-1488 

 Adsorption of thorium and protactinium onto different
 particle types: experimental findings 1,  
 Walter Geibert and Regina Usbeck
 Pages 1489-1501

 Goethite, calcite, and organic matter from Permian and 
 Triassic soils: carbon isotopes and CO2 concentrations 1, 
 Neil J. Tabor , Crayton J. Yapp and Isabel P. Montanez
 Pages 1503-1517 

 The influence of tortuosity on molecular diffusion in freshwater 
 sediments of high porosity1, 
 Martin Maerki , Bernhard Wehrli , Christian Dinkel and Beat Muller
 Pages 1519-1528 

 Hydrogen isotope fractionation factor for mixed-layer illite/smectite 
 at 60° to 150°C: new data from the northeast Texas Gulf Coast 1, 
 Kiseong Hyeong and Regina M. Capuano
 Pages 1529-1543 

 Isotopic exchange of carbon-bound hydrogen over geologic 
 timescales 1,
 Alex L. Sessions , Sean P. Sylva , Roger E. Summons 
 and John M. Hayes
 Pages 1545-1559 

 High-resolution imaging of sulfur oxidation states, trace elements, 
 and organic molecules distribution in individual microfossils and 
 contempo rary microbial filaments1, 
 Julien Foriel , Pascal Philippot , Jean Susini , Paul Dumas , 
 Andrea Somogyi , Murielle Salome , Hicham Khodja , 
 Benedicte Menez , Yves Fouquet , David Moreira and 
 Purificacion Lopez-Garcia
 Pages 1561-1569 

 Carbon and hydrogen isotope fractionation by moderately 
 thermophilic methanogens1,
 David L. Valentine , Amnat Chidthaisong , Andrew Rice , 
 William S. Reeburgh and Stanley C. Tyler
 Pages 1571-1590 A

 Improved spatial resolution for U-series dating of opal at 
 Yucca Mountain, Nevada, USA, using ion-microprobe and
 microdigestion methods1, 
 James B. Paces , Leonid A. Neymark , Joseph L. Wooden 
 and Harold M. Persing
 Pages 1591-1606

 Importance of mantle derived fluids during granite associated 
 hydrothermal circulation: He and Ar isotopes of ore minerals 
 from Panasqueira1,
 Peter G. Burnard and David A. Polya
  Pages 1607-1615 

 Melt structural control on olivine/melt element partitioning 
 of Ca and Mn1, 
 Bjorn O. Mysen and Emily V. Dubinsky
 Pages 1617-1633 

 Isotopic composition of carbon in diamonds of diamondites:
 record of mass fractionation in the upper mantle1, 
 Teruyuki Maruoka , Gero Kurat , Gabor Dobosi and Christian Koeberl
 Pages 1635-1644

 The Hadean upper mantle conundrum: evidence for source 
 depletion and enrichment from Sm-Nd, Re-Os, and Pb
 isotopic compositions in 3.71 Gy boninite-like metabasalts
 from the Isua Supracrustal Belt, Greenland1, 
 Robert Frei , Ali Polat and Anders Meibom
 Pages 1645-1660 

 The formation of chondrules by open-system melting 
 of nebular condensates1,  
 Bosmat A. Cohen , Roger H. Hewins and Conel M. O'D. Alexander
 Pages 1661-1675

 An experimental study of the formation of metallic 
 iron in chondrules1,
 Bosmat A. Cohen and Roger H. Hewins
  Pages 1677-1689