Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2005, V 69, N 6, 15 March.

 Oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios in freshwater
 chert as indicators of ancient climate and hydrologic regime  • 
 Mark J. Abruzzese, Jacob R. Waldbauer and C. Page Chamberlain
 Pages 1377-1390 

 Fluorescence spectroscopy of U(VI)-silicates
 and U(VI)-contaminated Hanford sediment  • 
 Zheming Wang, John M. Zachara, Paul L. Gassman,
 Chongxuan Liu, Odeta Qafoku, Wassana Yantasee 
 and Jeff G. Catalano
 Pages 1391-1403 

 The influence of edge sites on the development
 of surface charge on goethite nanops: A molecular
 dynamics investigation  • 
 James R. Rustad and Andrew R. Felmy
 Pages 1405-1411 

 TEM study of a silicate-carbonate-microbe 
 interface prepared by focused ion beam milling  • 
 Karim Benzerara, Nicolas Menguy, Francois Guyot,
 Christian Vanni and Philippe Gillet
 Pages 1413-1422 

 High-temperature carbon reduction of silica:
 A novel approach for oxygen isotope analysis
 of biogenic opal  • 
 Andreas Lucke, Robert Moschen and Gerhard H. Schleser
 Pages 1423-1433 

 In situ feldspar dissolution rates in an aquifer  • 
 Chen Zhu
 Pages 1435-1453 

 The ubiquitous nature of accessory calcite in 
 granitoid rocks: Implications for weathering, 
 solute evolution, and petrogenesis  • 
 Art F. White, Marjorie S. Schulz, Jacob B. Lowenstern, 
 Davison V. Vivit and Thomas D. Bullen
 Pages 1455-1471 

 Use of in situ-produced 10Be in carbonate-rich
 environments: A first attempt  • 
 R. Braucher, L. Benedetti, D.L. Bourles, 
 E.T. Brown and D. Chardon
 Pages 1473-1478 

 Lamina-scale analysis of sedimentary components
 in Cretaceous black shales by chemical compositional
 mapping: Implications for paleoenvironmental changes
 during the Oceanic Anoxic Events  • 
 Junichiro Kuroda, Naohiko Ohkouchi, Teruaki Ishii,
 Hidekazu Tokuyama and Asahiko Taira
 Pages 1479-1494 

 The isotopic composition of respired carbon dioxide
 in scleractinian corals: Implications for cycling
 of organic carbon in corals
 Peter K. Swart, Alina Szmant, James W. Porter, 
 Richard E. Dodge, Jennifer I.Tougas and John R. Southam
 Pages 1495-1509 

 On the Sr isotope and REE compositions of 
 anhydrites from the TAG seafloor hydrothermal system  • 
 Susan E. Humphris and Wolfgang Bach
 Pages 1511-1525 

 ATR-FTIR spectroscopic characterization of coexisting
 carbonate surface complexes on hematite  • 
 John R. Bargar, James D. Kubicki, Rebecca Reitmeyer
 and James A. Davis
 Pages 1527-1542 

 A high-resolution TEM-AEM, pH titration, and 
 modeling study of Zn2+ coprecipitation with ferrihydrite  • 
 Stacin Martin, Chen Zhu, Joseph Rule, Noel T. Nuhfer,
 Robert Ford, Sheila Hedges and Yee Soong
 Pages 1543-1553 

 Chemical characterization of earth’s most ancient
 clastic metasediments from the Isua Greenstone 
 Belt, southern West Greenland  • 
 Robert Bolhar, Balz S. Kamber, Stephen Moorbath,
 Martin J. Whitehouse and Kenneth D. Collerson
 Pages 1555-1573 

  Dissolution of cinnabar (HgS) in the presence
 of natural organic matter  • 
 Jacob S. Waples, Kathryn L. Nagy, 
 George R. Aiken and Joseph N. Ryan
 Pages 1575-1588 

 Uraninite recrystallization and Pb loss
 in the Oklo and Bangombe natural 
 ission reactors, Gabon  • 
 Lena Z. Evins, Keld A. Jensen and Rodney C. Ewing
 Pages 1589-1606 

 Highly siderophile element geochemistry of 
 187Os-enriched 2.8 Ga Kostomuksha komatiites,
 Baltic Shield  • 
 Igor S. Puchtel and Munir Humayun
 Pages 1607-1618 

 Re-Os isotopic systematics and platinum 
 group element composition of the Tagish 
 Lake carbonaceous chondrite  • 
 Alan D. Brandon, Munir Humayun, Igor S. Puchtel
 and Michael E. Zolensky
 Pages 1619-1631 

 Aubrite basalt vitrophyres: The missing
 basaltic component and high-sulfur silicate melts  • 
 Robert A. Fogel
 Pages 1633-1648 

 Erratum  • 
 A. Pack
 Pages 1649-1650