Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2005, V 69, N 6, 15 March.
Oxygen and hydrogen isotope ratios in freshwater
chert as indicators of ancient climate and hydrologic regime
Mark J. Abruzzese, Jacob R. Waldbauer and C. Page Chamberlain
Pages 1377-1390
Fluorescence spectroscopy of U(VI)-silicates
and U(VI)-contaminated Hanford sediment
Zheming Wang, John M. Zachara, Paul L. Gassman,
Chongxuan Liu, Odeta Qafoku, Wassana Yantasee
and Jeff G. Catalano
Pages 1391-1403
The influence of edge sites on the development
of surface charge on goethite nanops: A molecular
dynamics investigation
James R. Rustad and Andrew R. Felmy
Pages 1405-1411
TEM study of a silicate-carbonate-microbe
interface prepared by focused ion beam milling
Karim Benzerara, Nicolas Menguy, Francois Guyot,
Christian Vanni and Philippe Gillet
Pages 1413-1422
High-temperature carbon reduction of silica:
A novel approach for oxygen isotope analysis
of biogenic opal
Andreas Lucke, Robert Moschen and Gerhard H. Schleser
Pages 1423-1433
In situ feldspar dissolution rates in an aquifer
Chen Zhu
Pages 1435-1453
The ubiquitous nature of accessory calcite in
granitoid rocks: Implications for weathering,
solute evolution, and petrogenesis
Art F. White, Marjorie S. Schulz, Jacob B. Lowenstern,
Davison V. Vivit and Thomas D. Bullen
Pages 1455-1471
Use of in situ-produced 10Be in carbonate-rich
environments: A first attempt
R. Braucher, L. Benedetti, D.L. Bourles,
E.T. Brown and D. Chardon
Pages 1473-1478
Lamina-scale analysis of sedimentary components
in Cretaceous black shales by chemical compositional
mapping: Implications for paleoenvironmental changes
during the Oceanic Anoxic Events
Junichiro Kuroda, Naohiko Ohkouchi, Teruaki Ishii,
Hidekazu Tokuyama and Asahiko Taira
Pages 1479-1494
The isotopic composition of respired carbon dioxide
in scleractinian corals: Implications for cycling
of organic carbon in corals
Peter K. Swart, Alina Szmant, James W. Porter,
Richard E. Dodge, Jennifer I.Tougas and John R. Southam
Pages 1495-1509
On the Sr isotope and REE compositions of
anhydrites from the TAG seafloor hydrothermal system
Susan E. Humphris and Wolfgang Bach
Pages 1511-1525
ATR-FTIR spectroscopic characterization of coexisting
carbonate surface complexes on hematite
John R. Bargar, James D. Kubicki, Rebecca Reitmeyer
and James A. Davis
Pages 1527-1542
A high-resolution TEM-AEM, pH titration, and
modeling study of Zn2+ coprecipitation with ferrihydrite
Stacin Martin, Chen Zhu, Joseph Rule, Noel T. Nuhfer,
Robert Ford, Sheila Hedges and Yee Soong
Pages 1543-1553
Chemical characterization of earths most ancient
clastic metasediments from the Isua Greenstone
Belt, southern West Greenland
Robert Bolhar, Balz S. Kamber, Stephen Moorbath,
Martin J. Whitehouse and Kenneth D. Collerson
Pages 1555-1573
Dissolution of cinnabar (HgS) in the presence
of natural organic matter
Jacob S. Waples, Kathryn L. Nagy,
George R. Aiken and Joseph N. Ryan
Pages 1575-1588
Uraninite recrystallization and Pb loss
in the Oklo and Bangombe natural
ission reactors, Gabon
Lena Z. Evins, Keld A. Jensen and Rodney C. Ewing
Pages 1589-1606
Highly siderophile element geochemistry of
187Os-enriched 2.8 Ga Kostomuksha komatiites,
Baltic Shield
Igor S. Puchtel and Munir Humayun
Pages 1607-1618
Re-Os isotopic systematics and platinum
group element composition of the Tagish
Lake carbonaceous chondrite
Alan D. Brandon, Munir Humayun, Igor S. Puchtel
and Michael E. Zolensky
Pages 1619-1631
Aubrite basalt vitrophyres: The missing
basaltic component and high-sulfur silicate melts
Robert A. Fogel
Pages 1633-1648
A. Pack
Pages 1649-1650