Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2006, V 70, N 5, 1 March.
Isotopic effects in fracture-dominated
reactive fluid–rock systems •
Donald J. DePaolo
Pages 1077-1096
Mobility and fractionation of rare earth
elements during supergene weathering and
gossan formation and chemical modification
of massive sulfide gossan •
Matthew I. Leybourne, Jan M. Peter,
Daniel Layton-Matthews, John Volesky and Dan R. Boyle
Pages 1097-1112
Defect distribution and dissolution
morphologies on low-index surfaces of a-quartz •
Svetlana V. Yanina, Kevin M. Rosso and Paul Meakin
Pages 1113-1127
Modelling weathering processes at the
catchment scale: The WITCH numerical model •
Yves Godderis, Louis M. Francois,
Anne Probst, Jacques Schott, David Moncoulon,
David Labat and Daniel Viville
Pages 1128-1147
Kinetics of microbial sulfate reduction
in estuarine sediments •
Celine Pallud and Philippe Van Cappellen
Pages 1148-1162
Carbon isotope fractionation in synthetic
magnesian calcite •
Concepcion Jimenez-Lopez,
Christopher S. Romanek and Emilia Caballero
Pages 1163-1171
Influence of physiology and climate on bD
of leaf wax n-alkanes from C3 and C4 grasses •
Francesca A. Smith and Katherine H. Freeman
Pages 1172-1187
A catalytic delamination-driven model for
coupled genesis of Archaean crust and
sub-continental lithospheric mantle •
Jean H. Bedard
Pages 1188-1214
The effect of compression on noble gas
solubility in silicate melts and
consequences for degassing at mid-ocean ridges •
Bertrand Guillot and Philippe Sarda
Pages 1215-1230
Trace element distribution in peridotite
xenoliths from Tok, SE Siberian craton:
A record of pervasive, multi-stage
metasomatism in shallow refractory mantle •
Dmitri A. Ionov, Gilles Chazot, Catherine Chauvel,
Claude Merlet and Jean-Louis Bodinier
Pages 1231-1260
y-ray irradiation in the early Solar System
and the conundrum of the 176Lu decay constant •
Francis Albarede, Erik E. Scherer,
Janne Blichert-Toft, Minik Rosing,
Alexandre Simionovici and Martin Bizzarro
Pages 1261-1270
Non-nebular origin of dark mantles around
chondrules and inclusions in CM chondrites •
Josep M. Trigo-Rodriguez,
Alan E. Rubin and John T. Wasson
Pages 1271-1290
Experimental constraints on ureilite petrogenesis •
Steven Singletary and Timothy L. Grove
Pages 1291-1308
Comparative planetary mineralogy: Implications
of martian and terrestrial jarosite.
A crystal chemical perspective •
J.J. Papike, J.M. Karner and C.K. Shearer
Pages 1309-1321
The influence of carbon on trace element
partitioning behavior •
Nancy L. Chabot, Andrew J. Campbell,
John H. Jones, Munir Humayun and H. Vern Lauer, Jr.
Pages 1322-1335
Announcement: 69th Annual Meeting of
the Meteoritical Society •
Page 1336