Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 2002, V 66, N 5, 1 March.
1.There's plenty of room at the bottom: nanoscience in geochemistry
Hochella M.F.
pp. 735-743
2.Formation of Fe(III) oxyhydroxide colloids in freshwater and brackish
seawater, with incorporation of phosphate and calcium
Gunnars A.; Blomqvist S.; Johansson P.; Andersson C.
pp. 745-758
3.Genesis of fumarolic emissions as inferred by isotope mass balances: CO2
and water at Vulcano Island, Italy
Paonita A.; Favara R.; Nuccio P.M.; Sortino F.
pp. 759-772
4.Kinetics of Mn(II) oxidation by Leptothrix discophora SS1
Zhang J.; Lion L.W.; Nelson Y.M.; Shuler M.L.; Ghiorse W.C.
pp. 773-781
5.Sorption of chromate ions diffusing through barite-hydrogel composites:
implications for the fate and transport of chromium in the environment
Prieto M.; Fernandez-Gonzalez A.; Martn-Daz R.
pp. 783-795
6.A paleotemperature record derived from dissolved noble gases in groundwater
of the Aquia Aquifer (Maryland, USA)
Aeschbach-Hertig W.; Stute M.; Clark J.F.; Reuter R.F.; Schlosser P.
pp. 797-817
7.Experimental evidence for mobility of Zr and other trace elements in soils
Hodson M.E.
pp. 819-828
8.Surface chemistry and structural properties of mackinawite prepared by
reaction of sulfide ions with metallic iron
Mullet M.; Boursiquot S.; Abdelmoula M.; Genin J.-M.; Ehrhardt J.-J.
pp. 829-836
9.The release of Pb and REE from granitoids by the dissolution of accessory
Harlavan Y.; Erel Y.
pp. 837-848
10.Burial of redox-sensitive metals and organic matter in the equatorial Indian
Ocean linked to precession
Pailler D.; Bard E.; Rostek F.; Zheng Y.; Mortlock R.; van Geen A.
pp. 849-865
11.Early diagenetic processes during Mn-carbonate formation: evidence from the
isotopic composition of authigenic Ca-rhodochrosites of the Baltic Sea
Neumann T.; Heiser U.; Leosson M.A.; Kersten M.
pp. 867-879
12.Rare gas isotopes and parent trace elements in ultrabasic-alkaline-
carbonatite complexes, Kola Peninsula: identification of lower mantle plume
Tolstikhin I.N.; Kamensky I.L.; Marty B.; Nivin V.A.; Vetrin V.R.; Balaganskaya E.G.;
Ikorsky S.V.; Gannibal M.A.; Weiss D.; Verhulst A.; Demaiffe D.
pp. 881-901
13.Silicate-silicate liquid immiscibility and graphite ribbons in Libyan desert glass
Pratesi G.; Viti C.; Cipriani C.; Mellini M.
pp. 903-911(9)