Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2006, V 70, N 4, 15 February.
Editorial Board •
Page CO2
Trace element cycling in a subterranean estuary:
Part 2. Geochemistry of the pore water •
Matthew A. Charette and Edward R. Sholkovitz
Pages 811-826
Adsorption to goethite of extracellular polymeric
substances from Bacillus subtilis •
Anselm Omoike and Jon Chorover
Pages 827-838
Interaction between zinc and freshwater and
marine diatom species: Surface complexation
and Zn isotope fractionation •
A. Gelabert, O.S. Pokrovsky, J. Viers,
J. Schott, A. Boudou and A. Feurtet-Mazel
Pages 839-857
The effect of crystallinity on dissolution
rates and CO2 consumption capacity of silicates •
Domenik Wolff-Boenisch, Sigurdur R. Gislason
and Eric H. Oelkers
Pages 858-870
Do Archean chemical sediments record ancient
seawater rare earth element patterns? •
Karen H. Johannesson, Doyle L. Hawkins,
Jr. and Alejandra Cortes
Pages 871-890
Mg fractionation in crustose coralline algae:
Geochemical, biological, and sedimentological
implications of secular variation in
the Mg/Ca ratio of seawater •
Justin B. Ries
Pages 891-900
Evidence for the nucleation and epitaxial growth
of Zn phyllosilicate on montmorillonite •
Michel L. Schlegel and Alain Manceau
Pages 901-917
Methylmercury cycling in sediments on the
continental shelf of southern New England •
Chad R. Hammerschmidt and William F. Fitzgerald
Pages 918-930
Stable isotope chemistry of fossil bone as a
new paleoclimate indicator •
Matthew J. Kohn and J. Mclver Law
Pages 931-946
Early coalification features as approached
by solid state 13C CP/MAS NMR spectroscopy •
S. Kalaitzidis, A. Georgakopoulos,
K. Christanis and A. Iordanidis
Pages 947-959
Carbon isotope fractionation in wood
during carbonization •
C.S.M. Turney, D. Wheeler and Allan R. Chivas
Pages 960-964
Quantification of mixing processes in
ore-forming hydrothermal systems by
combination of stable isotope and
fluid inclusion analyses •
Gregor Schwinn, Thomas Wagner,
Baldorj Baatartsogt and Gregor Markl
Pages 965-982
A spectrophotometric study of neodymium(III)
complexation in sulfate solutions
at elevated temperatures •
Art.A. Migdisov, V.V. Reukov
and A.E. Williams-Jones
Pages 983-992
Low b18O in the Icelandic mantle and its origins:
Evidence from Reykjanes Ridge and Icelandic lavas •
M.F. Thirlwall, M.A.M. Gee, D. Lowry,
D.P. Mattey, B.J. Murton and R.N. Taylor
Pages 993-1019
The alteration of organic matter in response to
ionising irradiation: Chemical trends and
implications for extraterrestrial sample analysis •
Richard W. Court, Mark A. Sephton,
John Parnell and Iain Gilmour
Pages 1020-1039
Experimental aqueous alteration of the Allende
meteorite under oxidizing conditions:
Constraints on asteroidal alteration •
Catherine L. Jones and Adrian J. Brearley
Pages 1040-1058
Crystallization rates of shock melts in three
martian basalts: Experimental simulation with
implications for meteoroid dimensions •
Erin Walton, Cliff Shaw, Steven Cogswell
and John Spray
Pages 1059-1075
Announcement: 69th Annual Meeting of the
Meteoritical Society •
Page 1076