Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2000, V 64, N 4, February.
J.K. Aggarwal, M.R. Palmer, T.D. Bullen, S. Arnórsson, K.V. Ragnarsdóttir,
The boron isotope systematics of Icelandic geothermal waters: 1. Meteoric
water charged systems,
Laura J. Liermann, Birgitta E. Kalinowski, Susan L. Brantley, James G.
Ferry, Role of bacterial siderophores in dissolution of hornblende,
pp. 587-602
Isabel Pérez, Ignasi Casas, Maria Martín, Jordi Bruno, The thermodynamics
and kinetics of uranophane dissolution in bicarbonate test solutions,
pp. 603-608
Nathan Yee, Jeremy B. Fein, Christopher J. Daughney, Experimental study of
the pH, ionic strength, and reversibility behavior of bacteria--mineral
pp. 609-617
M. Paul Field, Robert M. Sherrell, Dissolved and particulate Fe in a
hydrothermal plume at 9°45'N, East Pacific Rise:,
pp. 619-628
C. Geoffrey Wheat, Michael J. Mottl, Composition of pore and spring waters
from Baby Bare: global implications of geochemical fluxes from a ridge
flank hydrothermal system,
pp. 629-642
Juan Carlos Medina, Steven J. Butala, Calvin H. Bartholomew, Milton L. Lee,
Low temperature iron- and nickel-catalyzed reactions leading to coalbed gas
pp. 643-649
Laodong Guo, Peter H. Santschi, Sedimentary sources of old high molecular
weight dissolved organic carbon from the ocean margin benthic nepheloid
pp. 651-660
Sophie Rihs, Michel Condomines, Olgeir Sigmarsson, U, Ra and Ba
incorporation during precipitation of hydrothermal carbonates: implications
for 226Ra-Ba dating of impure travertines,
pp. 661-671
M. Grégoire, J.P. Lorand, S.Y. O'Reilly, J.Y. Cottin, Armalcolite-bearing,
Ti-rich metasomatic assemblages in harzburgitic xenoliths from the
Kerguelen Islands: implications for the oceanic mantle budget of high-field
strength elements,
pp. 673-694
E. Takazawa, F.A. Frey, N. Shimizu, M. Obata, Whole rock compositional
variations in an upper mantle peridotite (Horoman, Hokkaido, Japan): are
they consistent with a partial melting process?,
pp. 695-716
L.H. Johnson, R. Burgess, G. Turner, H.J. Milledge, J.W. Harris, Noble gas
and halogen geochemistry of mantle fluids: comparison of African and
Canadian diamonds,
pp. 717-732
John M. Eiler, Nami Kitchen, Thom A. Rahn, Experimental constraints on the
stable-isotope systematics of CO2 ice/vapor systems and relevance to the
study of Mars,
pp. 733-746
David J. Des Marais, Introduction of John M. Hayes for the 1997 Alfred E.
Treibs Award,
pp. 747-748
John M. Hayes, Acceptance of the 1997 Alfred E. Treibs Award,
pp. 749-750
Wayne C. (Pat) Shanks, III, Citation for presentation of the 1999
Goldschmidt Medalist to James L. Bischoff,
pp. 751-752
James L. Bischoff, V. M. Goldschmidt Award Acceptance Speech,
pp. 753-754
G.J. Wasserburg, Citation for presentation of the 1999 C. C. Patterson
Award to R. Lawrence Edwards,
pp. 755-757
R. Lawrence Edwards, C. C. Patterson Award Acceptance Speech,
pp. 759-761
Donald L. Sparks, Citation for presentation of the 1999 F. W. Clarke Award
to André M. Scheidegger,
pp. 763
André M. Scheidegger, F. W. Clarke Award Acceptance Speech,
pp. 765-766