Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2006, V 70, N 3, 1 February.
Kinetics of sorption and abiotic oxidation of
arsenic(III) by aquifer materials •
Aria Amirbahman, Douglas B. Kent,
Gary P. Curtis and James A. Davis
Pages 533-547
Temperature and its control of isotope
fractionation by a sulfate-reducing bacterium •
Donald E. Canfield, Claus A. Olesen and Raymond P. Cox
Pages 548-561
Effects of substrate structure and composition
on the structure, dynamics, and energetics
of water at mineral surfaces:
A molecular dynamics modeling study •
Jianwei Wang, Andrey G. Kalinichev and
R. James Kirkpatrick
Pages 562-582
Magnesium inhibition of calcite dissolution kinetics •
Rolf S. Arvidson, Martin Collier, Kevin J. Davis,
Michael D. Vinson, James E. Amonette and Andreas Luttge
Pages 583-594
Citrate impairs the micropore diffusion of
phosphate into pure and C-coated goethite •
Christian Mikutta, Friederike Lang and
Martin Kaupenjohann
Pages 595-607
Dissolution of jarosite [KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6]
at pH 2 and 8: Insights from batch
experiments and computational modelling •
Adrian M.L. Smith, Karen A. Hudson-Edwards,
William E. Dubbin and Kate Wright
Pages 608-621
Iron isotope fractionation during microbially
stimulated Fe(II) oxidation and Fe(III) precipitation •
Nurgul Balci, Thomas D. Bullen, Kerstin Witte-Lien,
Wayne C. Shanks, Mikael Motelica and Kevin W. Mandernack
Pages 622-639
Kinetics of Fe(III) precipitation in aqueous
solutions at pH 6.0–9.5 and 25 °C •
A. Ninh Pham, Andrew L. Rose, Andrew J. Feitz
and T. David Waite
Pages 640-650
Deciphering biodegradation effects on light
hydrocarbons in crude oils using their
stable carbon isotopic composition:
A case study from the Gullfaks
oil field, offshore Norway •
Andrea Vieth and Heinz Wilkes
Pages 651-665
Solid-state 13C NMR analysis of size and
density fractions of marine sediments:
Insight into organic carbon sources
and preservation mechanisms •
Angela F. Dickens, Jeffrey A. Baldock,
Ronald J. Smernik, Stuart G. Wakeham,
Thorarinn S. Arnarson, Yves Gelinas and
John I. Hedges
Pages 666-686
The solubility and speciation of molybdenum
in water vapour at elevated temperatures
and pressures: Implications for ore genesis •
K.U. Rempel, A.A. Migdisov and A.E. Williams-Jones
Pages 687-696
Host rock compositional controls on zircon
trace element signatures in metabasites
from the Austroalpine basement •
Bernhard Schulz, Reiner Klemd and Helene Bratz
Pages 697-710
Effect of water on the heat capacity of
polymerized aluminosilicate glasses and melts •
M. Ali Bouhifd, Alan Whittington,
Jacques Roux and Pascal Richet
Pages 711-722
Multi-stage mixing in subduction zones:
Application to Merapi volcano
(Java island, Sunda arc) •
Vinciane Debaille, Regis Doucelance,
Dominique Weis and Pierre Schiano
Pages 723-741
Oxygen fugacity dependence of Os
solubility in haplobasaltic melt •
S.S. Fortenfant, D.B. Dingwell,
W. Ertel-Ingrisch, F. Capmas,
J.L. Birck and C. Dalpe
Pages 742-756
Mg–Fe partitioning between olivine
and ultramafic melts at high pressures •
Kenji Mibe, Toshitsugu Fujii,
Atsushi Yasuda and Shigeaki Ono
Pages 757-766
Oxygen isotope compositions of
chondrules in CR chondrites •
Alexander N. Krot, Guy Libourel
and Marc Chaussidon
Pages 767-779
A comparative study of melilite
and fassaite in Types B1 and
B2 refractory inclusions •
S.B. Simon and L. Grossman
Pages 780-798
Diffusion kinetics of Cr in olivine
and 53Mn–53Cr thermochronology
of early solar system objects •
Motoo Ito and Jibamitra Ganguly
Pages 799-809
Announcement: Meteoritical Society •
Page 810