Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2001, V 65, N 23, 1 December.

Guntram Jordan, Steven R. Higgins, Carrick M. Eggleston, Kevin G. Knauss and 
Wolfgang W. Schmahl
Dissolution kinetics of magnesite in acidic aqueous solution, a hydrothermal 
atomic force microscopy (HAFM) study: step orientation and kink dynamics

Jeremy B. Fein, Aaron M. Martin and Peter G. Wightman
Metal adsorption onto bacterial surfaces: development of a predictive approach

M.H. Conte, J.C. Weber, L.L. King and S.G. Wakeham
The alkenone temperature signal in western North Atlantic surface waters

Owen W. Duckworth and Scot T. Martin
Surface complexation and dissolution of hematite by C1-C6 dicarboxylic acids at 
pH = 5.0

I. Vlastelic, W. Abouchami, S.J.G. Galer and A.W. Hofmann
Geographic control on Pb isotope distribution and sources in Indian Ocean Fe-Mn 

David J. Hollander and Michael A. Smith
Microbially mediated carbon cycling as a control on the 13 C of sedimentary 
carbon in eutrophic Lake Mendota (USA): new models for interpreting isotopic 
excursions in the sedimentary record

Laurence A. Coogan, Robert N. Wilson, Kathryn M. Gillis and Christopher J. MacLeod
Near-solidus evolution of oceanic gabbros: insights from amphibole geochemistry

Andrey A. Gurenko, Marc Chaussidon and Hans-Ulrich Schmincke
Magma ascent and contamination beneath one intraplate volcano: evidence from S 
and O isotopes in glass inclusions and their host clinopyroxenes from Miocene 
basaltic hyaloclastites southwest of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands)

Daniel J. Schulze, John R. Valley, David R. Bell and Michael J. Spicuzza
Oxygen isotope variations in Cr-poor megacrysts from kimberlite

Tomoki Nakamura, Takaaki Noguchi, Toru Yada, Yoshihiro Nakamuta and Nobuo 
Bulk mineralogy of individual micrometeorites determined by X-ray diffraction 
analysis and transmission electron microscopy

Jerome Aleon, Cecile Engrand, Franois Robert and Marc Chaussidon
Clues to the origin of interplanetary dust particles from the isotopic study of 
their hydrogen-bearing phases

S.M. Archibald, A.A. Migdisov and A.E. Williams-Jones
The stability of Au-chloride complexes in water vapor at elevated temperatures 
and pressures

Michael E. Fleet
A comment on "Fe-Ni exchange between olivine and sulphide liquid: Implications 
for oxygen barometry in sulphide-saturated magmas" by 

Eric H. Oelkers, Jacques Schott and Jean-Luc Devidal On the interpretation of closed system mineral dissolution experiments: comment on "Mechanism of kaolinite dissolution at room temperature and pressure part II: kinetic study" by 4429-4432
Reply F. Javier Huertas, Lei Chou and Roland Wollast Kaolinite dissolution rates in batch experiments at room temperature and pressure: reply to "on the interpretation of closed system mineral dissolution experiments," comment by Eric H. Oelkers, Jacques Schott, and Jean-Luc Devidal 4433-4434