Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1999, V 63, N 23-24, Decenber.
ISSN : 0016-7037
pp 3937-3937
The Outgoing Executive Editor's Final Editorial
K Turekian
pp 3939-3957
Geochemical balance of lateritization processes and climatic
signatures in weathering profiles overlain by ferricretes
in Central Africa
A Beauvais
pp 3959-3966
Highly isotopically depleted isoprenoids: Molecular markers for ancient
methane venting
Thiel, Michaelis
pp 3967-3982
Partitioning of transition elements between orthopyroxene and
clinopyroxene in peridotitic and websteritic xenoliths:
New empirical geothermometers
HM Seitz
pp 3983-3995
Diffusive dissolution in ternary systems: Analysis with applications to
quartz and quartzite dissolution in molten silicates
Y Liang
pp 3997-4001
147Sm-143Nd and 87Rb-87Sr ages of the eucrite Piplia Kalan
A Kumar
pp 4003-4003
Executive Editor's Editorial
KK Turekian
pp 4004-4004
Preface - Allegre Special Issue
N Shimizu
pp 4005-4012
Himalayan uplift and osmium isotopes in oceans and rivers
M Sharma
pp 4013-4035
The effect of organic matter on chemical weathering: Study of a small
tropical watershed: Nsimi-Zoetele site, Cameroon
P Oliva
pp 4037-4051
Geochemistry of large river suspended sediments: Silicate chemical
weathering or recycling tracer?
J Gaillardet
pp 4053-4058
The osmium isotopic composition change of Cenozoic sea water as
inferred from a deep-sea core corrected for meteoritic contributions
WJ Pegram, KK Turekian
pp 4059-4080
The fingerprint of seawater circulation in a 500-meter section
of ocean crust gabbros
SR Hart
pp 4081-4099
Melt generation beneath ocean islands: A U-Th-Ra isotope study from
Lanzarote in the Canary Islands
LE Thomas, CJ Hawkesworth
pp 4101-4110
The effects of magma replenishment processes on 238U-230Th
RD Hughes, CJ Hawkesworth
pp 4111-4117
53Mn-53Cr evolution of the early solar system
JL Birck
pp 4119-4138
Porosity of the melting zone and variations in the solid mantle
upwelling rate beneath Hawaii: Inferences from 238U-230Th-226Ra
and 235U-231Pa disequilibria
KWW Sims
pp 4139-4156
Dynamics of the Galapagos hotspot from helium isotope geochemistry
MD Kurz
pp 4157-4179
Tungsten isotopes and the early development of the earth and moon
A Halliday
pp 4181-4181
Assessment of the Pb-Pb and U-Pb chronometry of the early solar system
F Tera
pp 4181-4181
Re-Os isotope measurements of single sulfide inclusions in a Siberian
diamond and its nitrogen aggregation systematics
DG Pearson
pp 4182-4182
Dissolved sulfide distributions in the water column and sediment pore
waters of the Santa Barbara Basin
JS Kuwabara
No Author