Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2004, V 68, N 23, 1 December.
18O13C16O in Earth;s atmosphere ;
John M. Eiler and Edwin Schauble
Pages 4767-4777
Equilibrium thermodynamics of multiply
substituted isotopologues of
molecular gases ;
Zhengrong Wang, Edwin A. Schauble
and John M. Eiler
Pages 4779-4797
Site-specific incorporation of urany
l carbonate species at the calcite surface ;
Richard J. Reeder, Evert J. Elzinga,
C. Drew Tait, K.D. Rector,
Robert J. Donohoe and David E. Morris
Pages 4799-4808
Manganese(III) binding to a pyoverdine
siderophore produced by a
manganese(II)-oxidizing bacterium ;
Dorothy L. Parker, Garrison Sposito
and Bradley M. Tebo
Pages 4809-4820
Hydrolysis of neptunium(V) at variable
temperatures (10;85C) ;
Linfeng Rao, Thandankorai G. Srinivasan,
Alexander Yu Garnov, PierLuigi Zanonato,
Plinio Di Bernardo and Arturo Bismondo
Pages 4821-4830
Kinetic control of oxidation state at
thermodynamically buffered potentials
in subsurface waters ;
John W. Washington, Dinku M. Endale,
Lidia P. Samarkina and Kari E. Chappell
Pages 4831-4842
The dissolution rates of natural glasses
as a function of their composition at
pH 4 and 10.6, and temperatures
from 25 to 74 C ;
Domenik Wolff-Boenisch, Sigurdur R. Gislason,
Eric H. Oelkers and Christine V. Putnis
Pages 4843-4858
Surface charge evolution of mineral-organic
complexes during pedogenesis
in Hawaiian basalt ;
Jon Chorover, Mary Kay Amistadi
and Oliver A. Chadwick
Pages 4859-4876
Hydrogen isotope ratios of recent
lacustrine sedimentary n-alkanes
record modern climate variability ;
D. Sachse, J. Radke and G. Gleixner
Pages 4877-4889
Sulfur isotope fractionation during
growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria
on various carbon sources ;
Jutta Kleikemper, Martin H. Schroth,
Stefano M. Bernasconi, Benjamin Brunner
and Josef Zeyer
Pages 4891-4904
Magnetite solubility and iron
transport in magmatic-hydrothermal
environments ;
Adam C. Simon, Thomas Pettke,
Philip A. Candela, Philip M. Piccoli
and Christoph A. Heinrich
Pages 4905-4914
Chemistry of springs across the
Mariana forearc shows progressive
devolatilization of the subducting plate ;
Michael J. Mottl, C. Geoffrey Wheat,
Patricia Fryer, Jim Gharib and
Jonathan B. Martin
Pages 4915-4933
Evidence for a nitrogen flux directly
derived from the European
subcontinental mantle in the
Western Eger Rift, Central Europe ;
Karin Brauer, Horst Kempf,
Samuel Niedermann, Gerhard Strauch
and Stephan M. Weise
Pages 4935-4947
Constraints on clinopyroxene/melt
partitioning of REE, Rb, Sr, Ti, Cr, Zr,
and Nb during mantle melting: First
insights from direct peridotite melting
experiments at 1.0 GPa ;
A. Dana Johnston and Brandon E. Schwab
Pages 4949-4962
The carbon isotopic distribution
of Murchison amino acids ;
Sandra Pizzarello, Yongsong Huang
and Megan Fuller
Pages 4963-4969
Timescales determining the degree
of kinetic isotope fractionation
by evaporation and condensation ;
Frank M. Richter
Pages 4971-4992
The composition and evolution of
primordial solutions on Mars, with
application to other planetary bodies ;
P.L. King, D.T. Lescinsky and H.W. Nesbitt
Pages 4993-5008