Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta , 2004, V 68, N 22, 15 November.

 Adsorption of organic matter at mineral/water
 interfaces: I. ATR-FTIR spectroscopic and 
 quantum chemical study of oxalate adsorbed 
 at boehmite/water and corundum/water interfaces  ; 
 Tae Hyun Yoon, Stephen B. Johnson, 
 Charles B. Musgrave and Gordon E. Brown, Jr.
 Pages 4505-4518 
 Dissolution of uranyl microprecipitates in 
 subsurface sediments at Hanford Site, USA  ; 
 Chongxuan Liu, John M. Zachara, 
 Odeta Qafoku, James P. McKinley, 
 Steve M. Heald and Zheming Wang
 Pages 4519-4537 
 Mobility of arsenic in a Bangladesh aquifer: 
 Inferences from geochemical profiles, 
 leaching data, and mineralogical characterization  ; 
 Christopher H. Swartz, Nicole Keon Blute,
 Borhan Badruzzman, Ashraf Ali, Daniel Brabander,
 Jenny Jay, James Besancon, Shafiqul Islam,
 Harold F. Hemond and Charles F. Harvey
 Pages 4539-4557
 Pyrite dissolution in acidic media  ; 
 M. Descostes, P. Vitorge and C. Beaucaire
 Pages 4559-4569  
 The effect of fluoride on the dissolution
 rates of natural glasses at pH 4 and 25 ;C  ; 
 Domenik Wolff-Boenisch, Sigurdur R. Gislason
 and Eric H. Oelkers
 Pages 4571-4582 
 Diagenetic effects on the distribution of
 uranium in live and Holocene corals
 from the Gulf of Aqaba  ; 
 Boaz Lazar, Rivka Enmar, Michelle Schossberger,
 Miriam Bar-Matthews, Ludwik Halicz 
 and Mordechai Stein
 Pages 4583-4593
 Carbonatization of oceanic crust by the 
 seafloor hydrothermal activity and its 
 significance as a CO2 sink in the Early Archean  ; 
 Kentaro Nakamura and Yasuhiro Kato
 Pages 4595-4618
 Isotopic evidence for the incorporation of 
 methane-derived carbon into foraminifera 
 from modern methane seeps, Hydrate Ridge, 
 Northeast Pacific  ; 
 T.M. Hill, J.P. Kennett and D.L. Valentine
 Pages 4619-4627
 Rates of silicate dissolution in deep-sea
 sediment: In situ measurement using 
 234U/238U of pore fluids  ; 
 Katharine Maher, Donald J. DePaolo
 and Jo Chiu-Fang Lin
 Pages 4629-4648 
 Lead and strontium isotopes as 
 monitors of experimental granitoid 
 mineral dissolution  ; 
 Yigal Erel, Joel D. Blum, 
 Emmanuelle Roueff and Jiwchar Ganor
 Pages 4649-4663 
 Rate-controlled calcium isotope 
 fractionation in synthetic calcite  ; 
 D. Lemarchand, G.J. Wasserburg 
 and D.A. Papanastassiou
 Pages 4665-4678 
 Nanoscale occurrence of Pb in 
 an Archean zircon  ; 
 Satoshi Utsunomiya, Chris S. Palenik, 
 John W. Valley, Aaron J. Cavosie, 
 Simon A. Wilde and Rodney C. Ewing
 Pages 4679-4686 
 CO2 solubility in dacitic melts equilibrated
 with H2O-CO2 fluids: Implications for 
 modeling the solubility of CO2 in silicic melts  ; 
 Harald Behrens, Susanne Ohlhorst, 
 Francois Holtz and Michel Champenois
 Pages 4687-4703
 Activity disequilibrium of 230Th, 234U, 
 and 238U in old stilbite: Effects of young 
 U mobility and-recoil  ; 
 Rolf L. Romer and Alexander Rocholl
 Pages 4705-4719 
 Physical properties of calcium aluminates
 from vibrational spectroscopy  ; 
 Anne M. Hofmeister
 Pages 4721-4726
 Inter-mineral Fe isotope variations in 
 mantle-derived rocks and implications
 for the Fe geochemical cycle  ; 
 Brian L. Beard and Clark M. Johnson
 Pages 4727-4743
 Trapped Xe and I-Xe ages in aqueously
 altered CV3 meteorites  ; 
 Charles M. Hohenberg, Olga V. Pravdivtseva
 and Alex P. Meshik
 Pages 4745-4763 
 Book review  ; BOOK REVIEW
 Christian Koeberl
 Page 4765