Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2000, V 64, N 22, 15 November.
Xuefeng Wang, Jan Veizer, Respiration--photosynthesis balance of
terrestrial aquatic ecosystems, Ottawa area, Canada,
pp. 3775-3786
Mario Villalobos, James O. Leckie, Carbonate adsorption on goethite under
closed and open CO2 conditions,
pp. 3787-3802
Richard O. Sack, Internally consistent database for sulfides and sulfosalts
in the system Ag2S--Cu2S--ZnS--Sb2S3--As2S3,
pp. 3803-3812
H.J. Walter, E. Hegner, B. Diekmann, G. Kuhn, M.M. Rutgers van der loeff,
Provenance and transport of terrigenous sediment in the south Atlantic
Ocean and their relations to glacial and interglacial cycles: Nd and Sr
isotopic evidence,
pp. 3813-3827
Kiseong Hyeong, Regina M. Capuano, The effect of organic matter and the
H2O2 organic-matter-removal method on the δD of smectite-rich
pp. 3829-3837
Simon T. Belt, W. Guy Allard, Guillaume Massé, Jean-Michel Robert, Steven
J. Rowland, Highly branched isoprenoids (HBIs): identification of the most
common and abundant sedimentary isomers,
pp. 3839-3851
C. Schmidt, R.J. Bodnar, Synthetic fluid inclusions: XVI. PVTX properties
in the system H2O-NaCl-CO2 at elevated temperatures, pressures, and
pp. 3853-3869
D.J. Cherniak, Rare earth element diffusion in apatite,
pp. 3871-3885
Windy L. Jaeger, Michael J. Drake, Metal--silicate partitioning of Co, Ga,
and W: dependence on silicate melt composition,
pp. 3887-3895
James P. Greenwood, Alan E. Rubin, John T. Wasson, Oxygen isotopes in
R-chondrite magnetite and olivine: links between R chondrites and ordinary
pp. 3897-3911
Noriko T. Kita, Hiroko Nagahara, Shigeko Togashi, Yuichi Morishita, A short
duration of chondrule formation in the solar nebula: evidence from 26Al in
Semarkona ferromagnesian chondrules,
pp. 3913-3922
Maria Eugenia Varela, Nicole Metrich, Michelle Bonnin--Mosbah, Gero Kurat,
Carbon in glass inclusions of Allende, Vigarano, Bali, and Kaba (CV3)
pp. 3923-3930
C.A.J. Appelo, D. Postma, Errata,
pp. 3931