Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2000, V 64, N 20, Oct.
Antonio Simonetti, Clйment Gariйpy, Jean Carignan, Pb and Sr isotopic
evidence for sources of atmospheric heavy metals and their deposition
budgets in northeastern North America,
pp. 3439-3452
Jean-Franзois Boily, Per Persson, Staffan Sjцberg, Benzenecarboxylate
surface complexation at the goethite (α-FeOOH)/water interface: II.
Linking IR spectroscopic observations to mechanistic surface complexation
models for phthalate, trimellitate, and pyromellitate,
pp. 3453-3470
Sherry D. Samson, Lisa L. Stillings, Carrick M. Eggleston, The depletion
and regeneration of dissolution-active sites at the mineral-water
pp. 3471-3484
P. Adam, P. Schneckenburger, P. Schaeffer, P. Albrecht, Clues to early
diagenetic sulfurization processes from mild chemical cleavage of labile
sulfur-rich geomacromolecules,
pp. 3485-3503
Yongsong Huang, Lydie Dupont, Michael Sarnthein, John M. Hayes, Geoffrey
Eglinton, Mapping of C4 plant input from North West Africa into North East
Atlantic sediments,
Erik Thorson Brown, Laurence Le Callonnec2, Christopher R. German,
Geochemical cycling of redox-sensitive metals in sediments from lake
malawi: a diagnostic paleotracer for episodic changes in mixing depth,
pp. 3515-3523
A. Jenisch-Anton, P. Adam, W. Michaelis, J. Connan, D. Herrmann, M. Rohmer,
P. Albrecht, Molecular evidence for biodegradation of geomacromolecules,
pp. 3525-3537
Gretchen D. Onstad, Donald E. Canfield, Paul D. Quay, John I. Hedges,
Sources of particulate organic matter in rivers from the continental usa:
lignin phenol and stable carbon isotope compositions,
pp. 3539-3546
Siddhartha Mitra, Thomas S. Bianchi, Laodong Guo2, Peter H. Santschi,
Terrestrially derived dissolved organic matter in the chesapeake bay and
the middle atlantic bight,
pp. 3547-3557
Ernst Booij, Lori Bettison-Varga, Dori Farthing, Hubert Staudigel,
Pb-isotope systematics of a fossil hydrothermal system from the Troodos
ophiolite, Cyprus: Evidence for a polyphased alteration history,
pp. 3559-3569
Gordon Moore, Andrew Chizmeshya, Paul F. McMillan, Calibration of a
reflectance FTIR method for determination of dissolved CO2 concentration in
rhyolitic glasses,
pp. 3571-3579
Kevin Righter, Michael J. Drake, Metal/silicate equilibrium in the early
Earth---New constraints from the volatile moderately siderophile elements
Ga, Cu, P, and Sn,
pp. 3581-3597
C.K. Shearer, H.E. Newsom, W-Hf isotope abundances and the early origin and
evolution of the Earth-Moon system,
pp. 3599-3613