Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2006, V 70, N 2, 15 January.
Cover 1 (TOC) •
Page CO1
Editorial Board •
Page CO2
Acid–base activity of live bacteria:
Implications for quantifying cell wall charge •
Jacqueline Claessens, Yvonne van Lith,
Anniet M. Laverman and Philippe Van Cappellen
Pages 267-276
Kinetic isotopic fractionation during
diffusion of ionic species in water •
Frank M. Richter, Ruslan A. Mendybaev,
John N. Christensen, Ian D. Hutcheon,
Ross W. Williams, Neil C. Sturchio and
Abelardo D. Beloso, Jr.
Pages 277-289
The effect of Al(OH)4- on the dissolution
rate of quartz •
Barry R. Bickmore, Kathryn L. Nagy,
Amy K. Gray and A. Riley Brinkerhoff
Pages 290-305
The effect of iron on montmorillonite stability.
(I) Background and thermodynamic considerations •
James Wilson, David Savage, Javier Cuadros,
Masahiro Shibata and K.Vala Ragnarsdottir
Pages 306-322
The effect of iron on montmorillonite stability.
(II) Experimental investigation •
James Wilson, Gordon Cressey, Barbara Cressey,
Javier Cuadros, K. Vala Ragnarsdottir,
David Savage and Masahiro Shibata
Pages 323-336
The mineral dissolution rate conundrum:
Insights from reactive transport modeling
of U isotopes and pore fluid chemistry
in marine sediments •
Kate Maher, Carl I. Steefel,
Donald J. DePaolo and Brian E. Viani
Pages 337-363
Dissolution kinetics as a function of the
Gibbs free energy of reaction:
An experimental study based on albite feldspar •
Roland Hellmann and Delphine Tisserand
Pages 364-383
Non-uniqueness and interpretation of the
seawater 87Sr/86Sr curve •
Dave Waltham and Darren R. Grocke
Pages 384-394
Barium uptake into the shells of the common
mussel (Mytilus edulis) and the potential
for estuarine paleo-chemistry reconstruction •
David P. Gillikin, Frank Dehairs, Anne Lorrain,
Dirk Steenmans, Willy Baeyens and Luc Andre
Pages 395-407
Cretaceous black shales as active bioreactors:
A biogeochemical model for the deep biosphere
encountered during ODP Leg 207 (Demerara Rise) •
Sandra Arndt, Hans-Jurgen Brumsack and Kai W. Wirtz
Pages 408-425
Reassessing the uranium decay constants for
geochronology using ID-TIMS U–Pb data •
Blair Schoene, James L. Crowley, Daniel J. Condon,
Mark D. Schmitz and Samuel A. Bowring
Pages 426-445
Experimental investigation of single carbon
compounds under hydrothermal conditions •
Jeffrey S. Seewald, Mikhail Yu. Zolotov
and Thomas McCollom
Pages 446-460
Trace element degassing and enrichment in the
eruptive plume of the 2000 eruption of
Hekla volcano, Iceland •
Severine Moune, Pierre-J. Gauthier,
Sigurdur R. Gislason and Olgeir Sigmarsson
Pages 461-479
Partial melting processes above subducting
plates: Constraints from 231Pa–235U disequilibria •
Simon Turner, Marcel Regelous,
Chris Hawkesworth and Kia Rostami
Pages 480-503
High-pressure phases in a shock-induced melt
vein of the Tenham L6 chondrite: Constraints
on shock pressure and duration •
Zhidong Xie, Thomas G. Sharp and Paul S. DeCarli
Pages 504-515
Graves Nunataks 95209: A snapshot of metal
segregation and core formation •
T.J. McCoy, W.D. Carlson, L.R. Nittler,
R.M. Stroud, D.D. Bogard and D.H. Garrison
Pages 516-531
Announcement: 69th Annual Meeting of the
Meteoritical Society •
Page VII
Cover 4 (TOC continued/Barcode) •
Page CO4