Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2005, V 69, N 2, 15 Jan.
Prediction of surface charge on oxides in salt
solutions: Revisions for 1:1 (M+L?) electrolytes
Dimitri A. Sverjensky
Pages 225-257
Effects of pressure on aqueous chemical equilibria
at subzero temperatures with applications to Europa
Giles M. Marion, Jeffrey S. Kargel, David C. Catling
and Scott D. Jakubowski
Pages 259-274
Boron speciation in aqueous fluids at 22 to 600°C
and 0.1 MPa to 2 GPa
C. Schmidt, R. Thomas and W. Heinrich
Pages 275-281
Theoretical study on the dimerization of Si(OH)4
in aqueous solution and its dependence on temperature
and dielectric constant
J.A. Tossell
Pages 283-291
Kinetics of silica oligomerization and nanocolloid
formation as a function of pH and ionic strength at 25°C
Gary A. Icopini, Susan L. Brantley and Peter J. Heaney
Pages 293-303
Halogen geochemistry of the McMurdo dry valleys lakes,
Antarctica: Clues to the origin of solutes
and lake evolution
W. Berry Lyons, Kathleen A. Welch, Glen Snyder,
John Olesik, Elizabeth Y. Graham, Giles M. Marion
and Robert J. Poreda
Pages 305-323
Interactions of calcium and fulvic acid at the
goethite-water interface
Li Ping Weng, Luuk K. Koopal, Tjisse Hiemstra,
Johannes C.L. Meeussen and Willem H. Van Riemsdijk
Pages 325-339
Geochemical modeling of arsenic sulfide oxidation
kinetics in a mining environment
Maggy F. Lengke and Regina N. Tempel
Pages 341-356
Present weathering rates in a humid tropical watershed:
Nsimi, South Cameroon
Jean-Jacques Braun, Jules Remy Ndam Ngoupayou, Jerome Viers,
Bernard Dupre,Jean-Pierre Bedimo Bedimo, Jean-Loup Boeglin,
Henri Robain, Brunot Nyeck, Remi Freydier,
Luc Sigha Nkamdjou et al.
Pages 357-387
A test of geochemical reactivity as a function
of mineral size: Manganese oxidation promoted
by hematite nanops
Andrew S. Madden and Michael F. Hochella, Jr.
Pages 389-398
Transient and quasi-steady-state dissolution
of biotite at 2225°C in high pH, sodium, nitrate,
and aluminate solutions
Sherry D. Samson, Kathryn L. Nagy and
Worth B. Cotton III
Pages 399-413
A low-temperature kinetic study of the exsolution
of pentlandite from the monosulfide solid solution
using a refined Avrami method
Haipeng Wang, Allan Pring, Yung Ngothai and Brian ONeill
Pages 415-425
Geochemistry of a chert breccia
Yehoshua Kolodny, Marc Chaussidon and Amitai Katz
Pages 427-439
A Mossbauer spectroscopic study of the iron
redox transition in eastern Mediterranean sediments
Claar van der Zee, Caroline P. Slomp, Denis G. Rancourt,
Gert J. de Lange and Wim van Raaphorst
Pages 441-453
Organic matter degradation in sediments of the
York River estuary: Effects of biological vs.
physical mixing
Krisa M. Arzayus and Elizabeth A. Canuel
Pages 455-464
Geochemical test for branching decay of 176Lu
Y. Amelin and W.J. Davis
Pages 465-473
Sources of radiogenic helium in a clay till
aquitard and its use to evaluate the timing
of geologic events
M. Jim Hendry, T.G. Kotzer and D.K. Solomon
Pages 475-483
Silicate perovskite-melt partitioning of trace
elements and geochemical signature of a deep
perovskitic reservoir
Alexandre Corgne, Christian Liebske,
Bernard J. Wood, David C. Rubie and Daniel J. Frost
Pages 485-496
Experimental data on the speciation of sulfur
as a function of oxygen fugacity in basaltic melts
Pedro J. Jugo, Robert W. Luth and Jeremy P. Richards
Pages 497-503
Unraveling the evolution of chondrite parent
asteroids by precise U-Pb dating and thermal modeling
Yuri Amelin, Amitabha Ghosh and Ethan Rotenberg
Pages 505-518