Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2001, V 65, N 19, 1 October.

Candace E. Martin, Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Gregg Brunskill and Ron Szymczak
Osmium isotope geochemistry of a tropical estuary

Francois Chabaux, Jean Riotte, Norbert Clauer and Christian France-Lanord
Isotopic tracing of the dissolved U fluxes of Himalayan rivers: implications for
present and past U budgets of the Ganges-Brahmaputra system

C. Jimenez-Lopez, E. Caballero, F.J. Huertas and C.S. Romanek
Chemical, mineralogical and isotope behavior, and phase transformation during 
the precipitation of calcium carbonate minerals from intermediate ionic solution 
at 25°C

Anna M. Cruse and Jeffrey S. Seewald
Metal mobility in sediment-covered ridge-crest hydrothermal systems: 
experimental and theoretical constraints

Ulrich Struck, Kay-Christian Emeis, Maren Vo?, Michael D. Krom and Greg H. Rau
Biological productivity during sapropel S5 formation in the Eastern 
Mediterranean Sea: evidence from stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon

Wolfgang Bach et al.
The geochemical consequences of late-stage low-grade alteration of lower ocean 
crust at the SW Indian Ridge: results from ODP Hole 735B (Leg 176)

Christof Bolliger, Martin H. Schroth, Stefano M. Bernasconi, Jutta Kleikemper 
and Josef Zeyer
Sulfur isotope fractionation during microbial sulfate reduction by toluene-
degrading bacteria

Xu Zang, Reno T. Nguyen, H. Rodger Harvey, Heike Knicker and Patrick G. Hatcher
Preservation of proteinaceous material during the degradation of the green alga 
Botryococcus braunii: A solid-state 2D 15N 13C NMR spectroscopy study

Michael P. Kozar, Mark T. Krahmer, Alvin Fox, Lennart Larsson and Judith Allton
Lunar dust: a negative control for biomarker analyses of extraterrestrial 

Damien Guillaume, Sergey Tkachenko, Jean Dubessy and Jacques Pironon
High-temperature and high-pressure water solubility in ethylbenzene to 200°C and 
1 kbar and the acetic acid effect

Deborah S. Kelley and Gretchen L. Fruh-Green
Volatile lines of descent in submarine plutonic environments: insights from 
stable isotope and fluid inclusion analyses

Peter D. Clift et al.
Tracing the evolving flux from the subducting plate in the Tonga-Kermadec arc 
system using boron in volcanic glass

Hongfu Zhang, Martin A. Menzies, John J. Gurney and Xinhua Zhou
Cratonic peridotites and silica-rich melts: diopside-enstatite relationships in 
polymict xenoliths, Kaapvaal, South Africa

Harry Becker, John W. Morgan, Richard J. Walker, Glenn J. MacPherson and Jeffrey 
N. Grossman
Rhenium-osmium systematics of calcium-aluminium-rich inclusions in carbonaceous 