Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2000, V 64, N 18, 15 Sep.

Ronald S. Oremland, Philip R. Dowdle, Shelly Hoeft, Jonathan O. Sharp,
Jeffra K. Schaefer, Laurence G. Miller, Jodi Switzer Blum, Richard L.
Smith, Nicholas S. Bloom, Dirk Wallschlaeger, Bacterial dissimilatory
reduction of arsenate and sulfate in meromictic Mono Lake, California,
pp. 3073-3084

James K. Fredrickson, John M. Zachara, David W. Kennedy, Martine C. Duff,
Yuri A. Gorby, Shu-mei W. Li, Kenneth M. Krupka, Reduction of U(VI) in
goethite (α-FeOOH) suspensions by a dissimilatory metal-reducing
pp. 3085-3098

Zachary Naiman, Jay Quade, P. Jonathan Patchett, Isotopic evidence for
eolian recycling of pedogenic carbonate and variations in carbonate dust
sources throughout the southwest United States, 
pp. 3099-3109

Rachael H. James, Martin R. Palmer, Marine geochemical cycles of the alkali
elements and boron: the role of sediments, 
pp. 3111-3122

Rivka Enmar, Mordechai Stein, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Eytan Sass, Amitai Katz,
Boaz Lazar13, Diagenesis in live corals from the Gulf of Aqaba. I. The
effect on paleo-oceanography tracers, 
pp. 3123-3132

Steven K. Lower, Christopher J. Tadanier, Michael F. Hochella, Jr.,
Measuring interfacial and adhesion forces between bacteria and mineral
surfaces with biological force microscopy, 
pp. 3133-3139

M.P. Smith, P. Henderson, L.S. Campbell, Fractionation of the REE during
hydrothermal processes: constraints from the Bayan Obo Fe-REE-Nb deposit,
Inner Mongolia, China.,  
pp. 3141-3160

Dmitrii A. Kulik, Thermodynamic properties of surface species at the
mineral--water interface under hydrothermal conditions: a Gibbs energy
minimization single-site 2pKA triple-layer model of rutile in NaCl
electrolyte to 250°C,  
pp. 3161-3179

A.M. Faiia, X. Feng, Kinetics and mechanism of oxygen isotope exchange
between analcime and water vapor and assessment of isotopic preservation of
analcime in geological formations, 
pp. 3181-3188

Sophie Rihs, Michel Condomines, Jean-Louis Poidevin, Long-term behaviour of
continental hydrothermal systems:, 
pp. 3189-3199

Nicolas O. Arnaud, Elizabeth A. Eide, Brecciation-related argon
redistribution in alkali feldspars: an in naturo crushing study, 
pp. 3201-3215

Lian-Kun Sha, Whitlockite solubility in silicate melts: some insights into
lunar and planetary evolution, 
pp. 3217-3236

L. Lemelle, F. Guyot, M. Fialin, J. Pargamin, Experimental study of
chemical coupling between reduction and volatilization in olivine single
pp. 3237-3249