Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 1999, V 63, N 17.
ISSN : 0016-7037
pp 2481-2486
The deviation-from-equilibrium effect on the dissolution rate and on
apparent variations in the activation energy
J Cama
pp 2487-2505
234Th and 7 Be as tracers for the transport and dynamics of suspended
particles in a partially mixed estruary
H Feng
pp 2507-2512
Reversed calcite morphologies induced by microscopic growth kinetics:
Insight into biomineraliztion
PM Dove
pp 2513-2528
Basin scale evolution of formation waters: A diagenetic and formation
water study of the Triassic Chaunoy Foramtion, Paris basin
RH Worden
pp 2529-2546
Coupling between sulfur recycling and syndepositional carbonate
dissolution: Evidence from oxygen and sulfur isotope composition of pore
water sulfate, South Florida Platform, U.S.A.
pp 2547-2577
Metal-organic complexes in geochemical processes: Estimation of standard
partial molal thermodynamic properties of aqueous complexes between metal
cations and dicarboxylate ligands at high temperatures
P Prapaipong, EL Shock
pp 2579-2598
Geochemical and Nd isotopic constraints for the origin of late-Archean
turbidites from the Yellowknife area, Norhtwest territoires, Canada
K Yamashita
pp 2599-2610
Chemical diffusivites of 18 trace elements in granitoid melts
JE Mungall
pp 2611-2622
Partitioning of trace amounts of highly-siderophile elements in the Fe-Ni-S
system and their fractionation in nature
ME Fleet
pp 2623-2636
Oxygen isotopic compositions of individual minerals in Antarctic
micrometeorites: Further links to carbonaceous chondrites
C Engrand
pp 2637-2652
Distribution of siderophile elements in CR chondrites: Evidence for
evaporation and recondensation during chondrule formation
P Kong
pp 2653-2665
Laser extraction of helium isotopes from antartic micrometeorites: Source
of HE and implications for the flux of extraterrestrial 3He to earth
F Stuart
pp 2667-2677
Siderophile geochemistry of Ga, Ge and Sn: cationic oxidation states in
silicate melts and the effect of composition in iron-nickel alloys
CJ Capobianco, M Drake
pp 2679-2691
Isotopic studies of ferroan anorthosite 62236: A young lunar crustal rock
from a light rare-earth-element-depleted source