Tables of Contents service for
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Volume 60, Issue 17, September 1996
- Redox zonation: Equilibrium constraints on the Fe(III)/SO4-reduction interface
Postma, D. and Jakobsen, R.
page 3169-3175
- The effect of recycling traps and upwelling on estuarine chemical flux estimates
Shiller, A.M.
page 3177-3185
- Accretion of extraterrestrial matter during the last 80 million years and its effect on the marine osmium isotope record
Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B.
page 3187-3196
- Rhenium, molybdenum, and uranium in groundwater from the southern Great Basin, USA: Evidence for conservative behavior
Hodge, V.F., Johannesson, K.H. and Stetzenbach, K.J.
page 3197-3214
- Heat capacity measurements of synthetic pyrope-grossular garnets between 320 and 1000 K by differential scanning calorimetry
Bosenick, A., Geiger, C.A. and Cemic, L.
page 3215-3227
- Mantle fluids: Evidence from fluid inclusions
Rosenbaum, J.M., Zindler, A. and Rubenstone, J.L.
page 3229-3252
- The mechanism of oxidation of a basaltic glass: Chemical diffusion of network-modifying cations
Cooper, R.F., Fanselow, J.B. and Poker, D.B.
page 3253-3265
- Volatile and lithophile trace-element geochemistry of Mexican tin rhyolite magmas deduced from melt inclusions
Webster, J.D., Burt, D.M. and Aguillon, R.A.
page 3267-3283
- Trace, rare-earth element, and oxygen isotopic systematics for the genesis of banded iron-formations: Evidence from Kushtagi schist belt, Archaean Dharwar Craton, India
Khan, R.M.K., Sharma, S.D., Patil, D.J. and Naqvi, S.M.
page 3285-3294
- Gypsum growth in the presence of background electrolytes studied by Scanning Force Microscopy
Bosbach, D., Junta-Rosso, J.L., Becker, U. and Hochella, M.F. Jr.
page 3295-3304
- Climatic effects on the
18O and
13C of cellulose in the desert tree Tamarix jordanis
Lipp, J., Trimborn, P., Edwards, T., Waisel, Y. and Yakir, D.
page 3305-3309
- The _normal planetary_ noble gas component in primitive chondrites: Compositions, carrier, and metamorphic history
Huss, G.R., Lewis, R.S. and Hemkin, S.
page 3311-3340
- The influence of phosphate coprecipitation on rare earth distributions in natural waters
Byrne, R.H., Xuewu, L. and Schijf, J.
page 3341-3346
18O values of mudrocks: More evidence for an 18O-buffered ocean
Land, L.S. and Lynch, F.L.
page 3347-3352
- Rhodium and other platinum-group elements in carbonaceous chondrites
Jochum, K.P.
page 3353-3357
- New guidelines for reporting stable hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen isotope-ratio data
Coplen, T.B.
page 3359-3360
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