Tables of Contents service for
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Volume 60, Issue 16, August 1996
- Experimental study of cadmium-citrate co-adsorption onto
Boily, J. and Fein, J.B.
page 2929-2938
- Feldspar dissolution in acidic and organic solutions: Compositional and pH dependence of dissolution rate
Welch, S.A. and Ullman, W.J.
page 2939-2948
- Fluvial geochemistry of the eastern slope of the northeastern Andes and its foredeep in the drainage of the Orinoco in Colombia and Venezuela
Edmond, J.M., Palmer, M.R., Measures, C.I., Brown, E.T. and Huh, Y.
page 2949-2976
- Competitive adsorption, displacement, and transport of organic matter on iron oxide: II. Displacement and transport
Gu, B., Mehlhorn, T.L., Liyuan, L. and McCarthy, J.F.
page 2977-2992
- A multicomponent reactive transport model of early diagenesis: Application to redox cycling in coastal marine sediments
Yifeng, W. and Van Cappellen, P.
page 2993-3014
- Stable sulfur isotope hydrogeochemical studies using desert shrubs and tree rings, Death Valley, California, USA
Wenbo, Y., Spencer, R.J. and Krouse, H.R.
page 3015-3022
- Coordination chemistry of Ti(IV) in silicate glasses and melts: I. XAFS study of titanium coordination in oxide model compounds
Farges, F., Brown, G.E. Jr. and Rehr, J.J.
page 3023-3038
- Coordination chemistry of Ti(IV) in silicate glasses and melts: II. Glasses at ambient temperature and pressure
Farges, F., Brown, G.E. Jr., Navrotsky, A., Hao, G. and Rehr, J.J.
page 3039-3053
- Coordination chemistry of Ti(IV) in silicate glasses and melts: III. Glasses and melts from ambient to high temperatures
Farges, F., Brown, G.E. Jr., Navrotsky, A., Hao, G. and Rehr, J.R.
page 3055-3065
- Chemical dissolution of the galena(001) surface observed using electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy
Higgins, S.R. and Hamers, R.J.
page 3067-3073
- An ion probe study of annual cycles of Sr/Ca and other trace elements in corals
Hart, S.R. and Cohen, A.L.
page 3075-3084
- Conflicting mineral and whole-rock isochron ages from the Late-Archaean Lewisian Complex of northwestern Scotland: Implications for geochronology in polymetamorphic high-grade terrains
Whitehouse, M.J., Fowler, M.B. and Friend, C.R.L.
page 3085-3102
- Thermal histories of IVA stony-iron and iron meteorites: Evidence for asteroid fragmentation and reaccretion
Haack, H., Scott, E.R.D., Love, S.G., Brearley, A.J. and McCoy, T.J.
page 3103-3113
- FeO-rich, porphyritic pyroxene chondrules in unequilibrated ordinary chondrites
Jones, R.H.
page 3115-3138
- The diffusive tortuosity of fine-grained unlithified sediments
Boudreau, B.P.
page 3139-3142
- A rapid mass spectrometric method for the simultaneous analysis of barium, cadmium, and strontium in foraminifera shells
Lea, D.W. and Martin, P.A.
page 3143-3149
- Re-Os dating of molybdenites from ore deposits in Japan: Implication for the closure temperature of the Re-Os system for molybdenite and the cooling history of molybdenum ore deposits
Suzuki, K., Shimizu, H. and Masuda, A.
page 3151-3159
- The Chemistry of Soils
Traina, S.J.
page 3161
- Environmental Change in Drylands: Biogeographical and Geomorphological Perspectives
McKenzie, G.
page 3161-3162
- Stable Isotopes in Ecology and Environmental Science
Komor, S.C.
page 3163-3164
- Hazards Due to Comets and Asteroids
Koeberl, C.
page 3163
- An Introduction to Environmental Chemistry
Komor, S.C.
page 3164-3165
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