Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2005, V 69, N 16, 15 Aug.

87Sr/86Sr and Sr/Ca in speleothems for paleoclimate reconstruction
in Central China between 70 and 280 kyr ago  • 
Hong-Chun Li, Teh-Lung Ku, Chen-Feng You, Hai Cheng, 
R. Lawrence Edwards, Zhi-Bang Ma, Wang-sheng Tsai and Mung-Dar Li
Pages 3933-3947 

Isotopic variability in the aragonite shells of freshwater 
gastropods living in springs with nearly constant temperature
and isotopic composition  • 
Timothy M. Shanahan, Jeffrey S. Pigati, David L. Dettman
and Jay Quade
Pages 3949-3966 

Fast transformation of iron oxyhydroxides by the catalytic action
of aqueous Fe(II)  • 
Hanne D. Pedersen, Dieke Postma, Rasmus Jakobsen and Ole Larsen
Pages 3967-3977 

Geochemical processes and solute transport at the seawater/freshwater
interface of a sandy aquifer  • 
Martin Sogaard Andersen, Vibeke Nyvang, Rasmus Jakobsen and Dieke Postma
Pages 3979-3994 

Ab initio molecular orbital calculations for boron isotope 
fractionations on boric acids and borates  • 
Yun Liu and John A. Tossell
Pages 3995-4006 

Natural speciation of Mn, Ni, and Zn at the micrometer scale
in a clayey paddy soil using X-ray fluorescence, absorption,
and diffraction  • 
Alain Manceau, Caterina Tommaseo, Sophie Rihs, Nicolas Geoffroy,
Daniel Chateigner, Michel Schlegel, Delphine Tisserand, 
Matthew A. Marcus, Nobumichi Tamura and Zueng-Sang Chen
Pages 4007-4034 

Boron isotope geochemistry of Paleozoic brachiopod calcite: 
Implications for a secular change in the boron isotope 
geochemistry of seawater over the Phanerozoic  • 
Michael M. Joachimski, Laurent Simon, Robert van Geldern 
and Christophe Lecuyer
Pages 4035-4044 

Sea-rain-lake relation in the Last Glacial East Mediterranean 
revealed by ?18O-?13C in Lake Lisan aragonites  • 
Yehoshua Kolodny, Mordechai Stein and Malka Machlus
Pages 4045-4060 

Facilitation of barium uptake into fish otoliths: 
Influence of strontium concentration and salinity  • 
Melita C. de Vries, Bronwyn M. Gillanders and Travis S. Elsdon
Pages 4061-4072 

Dissolution of nanocrystalline fluorite powders: An 
investigation by XRD and solution chemistry  • 
Giovanni De Giudici, Riccardo Biddau, Mirco D’incau, 
Matteo Leoni and Paolo Scardi
Pages 4073-4083 

Composition and diagenesis of neutral carbohydrates
in sediments of the Baltic-North Sea transition  • 
Marlene Mark Jensen, Marianne Holmer and Bo Thamdrup
Pages 4085-4099 

Inverse methods for estimating primary input signals 
from time-averaged isotope profiles  • 
Benjamin H. Passey, Thure E. Cerling, Gerard T. Schuster, 
Todd F. Robinson, Beverly L. Roeder and Stephen K. Krueger
Pages 4101-4116 

Diagenetic Alteration of Magnetic Signals by Anaerobic 
Oxidation of Methane Related to a Change in Sedimentation Rate  • 
Natascha Riedinger, Kerstin Pfeifer, Sabine Kasten, 
Johanna Fredrika Lukina Garming, Christoph Vogt 
and Christian Hensen
Pages 4117-4126 

Geomagnetic field variations and the accumulation of in-situ
cosmogenic nuclides in an eroding landform  • 
Paul Muzikar
Pages 4127-4131 

Xenon isotopes in size separated nanodiamonds from Efremovka: 
129Xe*, Xe-P3, and Xe-P6  • 
J.D. Gilmour, A.B. Verchovsky, A.V. Fisenko, G. Holland and G. Turner
Pages 4133-4148 

Oxygen, magnesium and chromium isotopic ratios of presolar
spinel grains  • 
Ernst Zinner, Larry R. Nittler, Peter Hoppe, Roberto Gallino, 
Oscar Straniero and Conel M.O.’D. Alexander
Pages 4149-4165 

Planetesimal sulfate and aqueous alteration in CM and CI 
carbonaceous chondrites  • 
S.A. Airieau, J. Farquhar, M.H. Thiemens, L.A. Leshin, 
H. Bao and E. Young
Pages 4167-4172 

Jupiter, The Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere  • BOOK REVIEW
David A. Rothery
Page 4173