Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 2001, V 65, N 15, 1 August.

T. Ding et al.
Calibrated sulfur isotope abundance ratios of three IAEA sulfur isotope reference materials and
V-CDT with a reassessment of the atomic weight of sulfur

D. Porcelli, P.S. Andersson, M. Baskaran and G.J. Wasserburg
Transport of U- and Th-series nuclides in a Baltic shield watershed and the Baltic sea

Frederic J. Doucet et al.
The formation of hydroxyaluminosilicates of geochemical and biological significance

K. Wallmann
The geological water cycle and the evolution of marine18O values

E.A. Schauble, G.R. Rossman and H.P. Taylor Jr
Theoretical estimates of equilibrium Fe-isotope fractionations from vibrational spectroscopy

Manuel R. Palacios-Fest and David L. Dettman
Temperature controls monthly variation in Ostracode valve Mg/Ca: Cypridopsis vidua from a small 
lake in Sonora, Mexico

Balz S. Kamber and Gregory E. Webb
The geochemistry of late Archaean microbial carbonate: implications for ocean chemistry and 
continental erosion history

Erik B. Melchiorre, Peter A. Williams and Richard E. Bevins
A low temperature oxygen isotope thermometer for cerussite, with applications at Broken 

Elaine S. Lindars et al.
Phosphate 18 O determination of modern rodent teeth by direct laser fluorination: an appraisal of 
methodology and potential application to palaeoclimate reconstruction

J.A. Tossell
Calculation of the structural and NMR properties of the tridecameric AlO4Al12(OH)24(H2O)127+ 

Zhu Bing-Quan et al.
Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopic features in organic matter from China and their implications for petroleum 
generation and migration

Mark D. Schmitz and Samuel A. Bowring
U-Pb zircon and titanite systematics of the Fish Canyon Tuff: an assessment of high-precision U-Pb 
geochronology and its application to young volcanic rocks

Yong-Sheng Liu et al.
Geochemistry of lower crustal xenoliths from Neogene Hannuoba basalt, North China craton: 
implications for petrogenesis and lower crustal composition

Pete Burnard
Correction for volatile fractionation in ascending magmas: noble gas abundances in primary mantle 

P. Agrinier, A. Deutsch, U. Scharer and I. Martinez
Fast back-reactions of shock-released CO2 from carbonates: an experimental approach