Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2004, V 68, N 14, 15 July.

 The atmospheric transport and deposition of smelter emissions:
 evidence from the multi-element geochemistry of snow, 
 Quebec, Canada  ; 
 Kevin Telmer, Graeme F. Bonham-Carter, Deborah A. Kliza
 and Gwendy E. M. Hall
 Pages 2961-2980 
 Transport-controlled kinetics of dissolution and precipitation
 in the sediments under alkaline and saline conditions  ; 
 Nikolla P. Qafoku, Calvin C. Ainsworth, James E. Szecsody 
 and Odeta S. Qafoku
 Pages 2981-2995 
 A new cubic equation of state and its applications to the modeling
 of vapor-liquid equilibria and volumetric properties of natural fluids  ; 
 Zhenhao Duan and Jiawen Hu
 Pages 2997-3009 
 Oxygen-exchange pathways in aluminum polyoxocations  ; 
 James R. Rustad, John S. Loring and William H. Casey
 Pages 3011-3017 
 Adsorption mechanisms of trivalent gold on iron- and
 Part 1: X-ray absorption and Raman scattering spectroscopic 
 studies of Au(III) adsorbed on ferrihydrite, goethite, and boehmite  ; 
 Ingrid Berrodier, Francois Farges, Marc Benedetti, Markus Winterer, 
 Gordon E. Brown, Jr and Michel Deveughele
 Pages 3019-3042 
 Distribution of protons and Cd between bacterial surfaces
 and dissolved humic substances determined through
 chemical equilibrium modeling  ; 
 David Borrok and Jeremy B. Fein
 Pages 3043-3052 
 Long-range vs. short-range ordering in synthetic 
 Cr-substituted goethites  ; 
 Elsa E. Sileo, Aline Y. Ramos, Graciela E. Magaz 
 and Miguel A. Blesa
 Pages 3053-3063 

 Influence of landscape position and vegetation on long-term
 weathering rates at the Hubbard Brook Experimental
 Forest, New Hampshire, USA  ; 
 Carmen A. Nezat, Joel D. Blum, Andrea Klaue, 
 Chris E. Johnson and Thomas G. Siccama
 Pages 3065-3078 
 Revealing forms of iron in river-borne material 
 from major tropical rivers of the Amazon Basin (Brazil)  ; 
 T. Allard, N. Menguy, J. Salomon, T. Calligaro, 
 T. Weber, G. Calas and M. F. Benedetti
 Pages 3079-3094
 Neodymium isotopes in the Mediterranean Sea: 
 comparison between seawater and sediment signals  ; 
 K. Tachikawa, M. Roy-Barman, A. Michard, D. Thouron,
 D. Yeghicheyan and C. Jeandel
 Pages 3095-3106
 Controls on iron-isotope fractionation in organic-rich
 sediments (Kimmeridge Clay, Upper Jurassic,
 Southern England)  ; 
 Alan Matthews, Helen S. Morgans-Bell, Simon Emmanuel,
 Hugh C. Jenkyns, Yigal Erel and Ludwik Halicz
 Pages 3107-3123
 Mn, Fe, Zn and As speciation in a fast-growing
 ferromanganese marine nodule  ; 
 Matthew A. Marcus, Alain Manceau and 
 Michael Kersten
 Pages 3125-3136 
 Comment on "Deconvolving the 18O-seawater 
 component from subseasonal coral 18O and Sr/Ca 
 at Rarotonga in the southwestern subtropical Pacific 
 for the period 1726 to 1997," by L. Ren, B. K. Linsley, 
 G. M. Wellington, D. P. Schrag, and O Hoegh-Guldberg (2003)  ; 
 Amit Huppert and Andrew R. Solow
 Pages 3137-3138