Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2001, V 65, N 13, 1 July.
Huiming Bao, Greg M. Michalski and Mark H. Thiemens
Sulfate oxygen-17 anomalies in desert varnishes
Nathan Yee and Jeremy Fein
Cd adsorption onto bacterial surfaces: A universal adsorption edge?
Nita Sahai and John A. Tossell
Formation energies and NMR chemical shifts calculated for putative serine-
silicate complexes in silica biomineralization
Peter M. van Bodegom and Johannes C.M. Scholten
Microbial processes of CH4 production in a rice paddy soil:
model and experimental validation
S.A. Gleeson, J.J. Wilkinson, F.M. Stuart and D.A. Banks
The origin and evolution of base metal mineralising brines
and hydrothermal fluids, South Cornwall, UK
Donald A. Palmer, Pascale Bénézeth and David J. Wesolowski
Aqueous high-temperature solubility studies. I. The solubility of boehmite
as functions of ionic strength (to 5 molal, NaCl), temperature (100-290°C),
and pH as determined by in situ measurements
Pascale Bénézeth, Donald A. Palmer and David J. Wesolowski
Aqueous high-temperature solubility studies. II. The solubility of boehmite
at 0.03 m ionic strength as a function of temperature and pH as determined by
in situ measurements
Q.Z. Yin et al.
A gravimetric K2OsCl6 standard: Application to precise and
accurate Os spike calibration
Giovanni Chiodini, Luigi Marini and Massimo Russo
Geochemical evidence for the existence of high-temperature
hydrothermal brines at Vesuvio volcano, Italy
Jason Kirk, Joaquin Ruiz, John Chesley, Spencer Titley and John Walshe
A detrital model for the origin of gold and sulfides in the
Witwatersrand basin based on Re-Os isotopes
W. Ertel, H.St.C. O'Neill, P.J. Sylvester, D.B. Dingwell and B. Spettel
The solubility of rhenium in silicate melts: Implications
for the geochemical properties of rhenium at high temperatures
Kazuhito Ozawa and Hiroko Nagahara
Chemical and isotopic fractionations by evaporation and
their cosmochemical implications