Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2004, V 68, N 12, 15 June.
Isotopic composition of lead in moss and soil of the European Arctic ;
U. Haack, B. Kienholz, C. Reimann, J. Schneider and E. F. Stumpfl
Pages 2613-2622
Copper(II) sorption onto goethite, hematite and lepidocrocite:
a surface complexation model based on ab initio molecular
geometries and EXAFS spectroscopy ;
Caroline L. Peacock and David M. Sherman
Pages 2623-2637
Reduction of uranium(VI) under sulfate-reducing conditions
in the presence of Fe(III)-(hydr)oxides ;
R. K. Sani, B. M. Peyton, J. E. Amonette and G. G. Geesey
Pages 2639-2648
Speciation of strontium in particulates and sediments
from the Mississippi River mixing zone ;
Yingfeng Xu and Franco Marcantonio
Pages 2649-2657
Carbon isotope effects in carbonate systems ;
Peter Deines
Pages 2659-2679
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions
of high molecular weight dissolved organic matter
from four U.S. estuaries ;
Xu-Chen Wang, Mark A. Altabet, Julie Callahan
and Robert F. Chen
Pages 2681-2691
Interdiffusion of H2O and CO2 in metamorphic
fluids at ~490 to 690°C and 1 GPa ;
David A. Wark and E. Bruce Watson
Pages 2693-2698
Source enrichment processes responsible for isotopic
anomalies in oceanic island basalts ;
Dan McKenzie, Andreas Stracke, Janne Blichert-Toft,
Francis Albarede, Karl Gronvold and R. Keith O’Nions
Pages 2699-2724
Precise and accurate isotopic measurements
using multiple-collector ICPMS ;
F. Albarede, Philippe Telouk, Janne Blichert-Toft,
Maud Boyet, Arnaud Agranier and Bruce Nelson
Pages 2725-2744
Solubility mechanisms of fluorine in peralkaline and
meta-aluminous silicate glasses and in melts
to magmatic temperatures ;
Bjorn O. Mysen, George D. Cody and
Ashley Smith
Pages 2745-2769
Comment on "negative pressure of stretched liquid water:
Geochemistry of soil capillaries," by L. Mercury and Y. Tardy
(2001) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65, 3391;3408; and
"thermodynamic properties of solutions in metastable
systems under negative or positive pressures,
by L. Mercury, M. Azaroual, H. Zeyen, and Y. Tardy (2003)
Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67, 1769;1785 ;
J. V. Walther
Pages 2771-2773
Response to the comment by J. V. Walther on "negative
pressure of stretched liquid water: Geochemistry of
soil capillaries." (2001) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65,
3391;3408; and "thermodynamic properties of solutions
in metastable systems under negative or positive
pressures." (2003) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 67, 1769-1785 ;
L. Mercury and Y. Tardy
Pages 2775-2780