Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2001, V 65, N 12, 15 June.
S.T. Petsch, R.J. Smernik, T.I. Eglinton and J.M. Oades
A solid state 13C-NMR study of kerogen degradation during
black shale weathering
Giles M. Marion
Carbonate mineral solubility at low temperatures in the
Na-K-Mg-Ca-H-Cl-SO4-OH-HCO3-CO3-CO2-H2O system
Bo Elberling and Lars Riis Damgaard
Microscale measurements of oxygen diffusion and consumption
in subaqueous sulfide tailings
Juske Horita
Carbon isotope exchange in the system CO2-CH4 at elevated temperatures
Glenn A. Goodfriend and Christopher R. Weidman
Ontogenetic trends in aspartic acid racemization and amino acid composition
within modern and fossil shells of the bivalve Arctica
A. Holzheid and K. Lodders
Solubility of copper in silicate melts as function of oxygen and sulfur
fugacities, temperature, and silicate composition
Nathaniel A. Lifton, A.J. Timothy Jull and Jay Quade
A new extraction technique and production rate estimate for
in situ cosmogenic 14C in quartz
Andrew C. Kurtz, Louis A. Derry and Oliver A. Chadwick
Accretion of Asian dust to Hawaiian soils: isotopic,
elemental, and mineral mass balances
Michael J. Toplis, Joachim Gottsmann, Ruth Knoche and Donald B. Dingwell
Heat capacities of haplogranitic glasses and liquids
Michiele Audino, Kliti Grice, Robert Alexander, Christopher J.
Boreham and Robert I. Kagi
Unusual distribution of monomethylalkanes in Botryococcus
braunii-rich samples: origin and significance
Heinz Huber, Christian Koeberl, Iain McDonald and Wolf Uwe Reimold
Geochemistry and petrology of Witwatersrand and Dwyka diamictites from South
Africa: search for an extraterrestrial component
Igor M. Villa, Balz S. Kamber and Thomas F. Nägler
Comment on "the Nd and Hf isotopic evolution of the mantle through the Archean:
Results from the Isua supracrustals, West Greenland, and from the birimian terranes of West Africa" by Blichert-Toft et al. (1999)
Francis Albarède, Janne Blichert-Toft, Robert Frei and Minik Rosing
Reply to the Comment by Igor M. Villa, Balz S. Kamber, and Thomas F. Nägler on
"The Nd and Hf isotopic evolution of the mantle through the Archean. Results
from the Isua supracrustals, West Greenland, and from the Birimian terranes of
West Africa"
Dmitrii A. Kulik
Errata {texf}errata to dmitrii a. kulik (2000)
"thermodynamic properties of surface species at the mineral-water interface
under hydrothermal conditions: a gibbs energy minimization single-site 2pka
triple-layer model of rutile in nacl electrolyte to 250°c", geochim.
cosmochim. acta 64, 3161-3179. on page 3167, in the paragraph after eqn. 9, the
next-to-last line is "...extrapolation requires a = 0, c = 0, and nonzero b
coefficient" (not "... b = 0, c = 0, and nonzero a coefficient"). the first one
of eqns. 10, page 3167, is [delta]ht0=[delta]ht00+(t[-]t0)[delta]cpt00 (not
[delta]ht0=[delta]ht00+[delta]cpt00). third line of the
bottom-right paragraph on page 3174 is [delta]pka +
2log0.5... (not [delta]pka [-] 2log0.5...). in eqn. 41,
page 3176, the first term in brackets is -logka2,t00 (not