Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2000, V 64, N 10, May.
Kuilian Tang, Xiahong Feng, Gregory J. Ettl, The variations in δD of
tree rings and the implications for climatic reconstruction,
pp. 1663-1673
James R. Rustad, David A. Dixon, Andrew R. Felmy, Intrinsic acidity of
aluminum, chromium (III) and iron (III) µ3-hydroxo functional groups from
ab initio electronic structure calculations,
pp. 1675-1680
Michael G. Siemann, Michael Schramm, Thermodynamic modelling of the Br
partition between aqueous solutions and halite,
pp. 1681-1693
Florian Böhm, Michael M. Joachimski, Wolf-Christian Dullo, Anton
Eisenhauer, Helmut Lehnert, Joachim Reitner, Gert Wörheide, Oxygen isotope
fractionation in marine aragonite of coralline sponges,
pp. 1695-1703
Gretchen E. Bath, Simon R. Thorrold, Cynthia M. Jones, Steven E. Campana,
James W. McLaren, Joseph W.H. Lam, Strontium and barium uptake in
aragonitic otoliths of marine fish,
pp. 1705-1714
Hiroshi Amakawa, Dia Sotto Alibo, Yoshiyuki Nozaki, Nd isotopic composition
and REE pattern in the surface waters of the eastern Indian Ocean and its
adjacent seas,
pp. 1715-1727
Carmen Enid Martínez, Murray B. McBride, Aging of coprecipitated Cu in
alumina: changes in structural location, chemical form, and solubility,
pp. 1729-1736
E.M. Galimov, Carbon isotope composition of Antarctic plants,
pp. 1737-1739
Josef P. Werne, David J. Hollander, Anke Behrens, Philippe Schaeffer,
Pierre Albrecht, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté, Timing of early diagenetic
sulfurization of organic matter: a precursor-product relationship in
Holocene sediments of the anoxic Cariaco Basin, Venezuela,
pp. 1741-1751
R.J. Bakker, L.W. Diamond, Determination of the composition and molar
volume of H2O-CO2 fluid inclusions by microthermometry,
pp. 1753-1764
Aida Awad, A.F. Koster van Groos, Stephen Guggenheim, Forsteritic olivine:
effect of crystallographic direction on dissolution kinetics,
pp. 1765-1772
T. Driesner, T.M. Seward, Experimental and simulation study of salt effects
and pressure/density effects on oxygen and hydrogen stable isotope
liquid-vapor fractionation for 4--5 molal aqueous NaCl and KCl solutions to
pp. 1773-1784
D.A. Banks, R. Green, R.A. Cliff, B.W.D. Yardley, Chlorine isotopes in
fluid inclusions: determination of the origins of salinity in magmatic
pp. 1785-1789
James H. Crocket, PGE in fresh basalt, hydrothermal alteration products,
and volcanic incrustations of Kilauea volcano, Hawaii,
pp. 1791-1807
Haibo Zou, Alan Zindler, Theoretical studies of 238U-230Th-226Ra and
235U-231Pa disequilibria in young lavas produced by mantle melting,
pp. 1809-1817
James Farquhar, Teresa L. Jackson, Mark H. Thiemens, A 33S enrichment in
ureilite meteorites: evidence for a nebular sulfur component,
pp. 1819-1825