Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2006, V 70, N 1, 1 January.
Cover 1 (TOC) •
Page CO1
Editorial Board •
Page CO2
Abundance of mass 47 CO2 in urban air,
car exhaust, and human breath •
Hagit P. Affek and John M. Eiler
Pages 1-12
Seasonal changes in stable carbon isotopic
composition of n-alkanes in the marine aerosols
from the western North Pacific: Implications
for the source and atmospheric transport •
James A. Bendle, Kimitaka Kawamura and Koji Yamazaki
Pages 13-26
Zinc sorption to biogenic hexagonal-birnessite
ps within a hydrated bacterial biofilm •
Brandy Toner, Alain Manceau,
Samuel M. Webb and Garrison Sposito
Pages 27-43
Deprotonation energies of a model fulvic acid.
I. Carboxylic acid groups •
Chad C. Trout and James D. Kubicki
Pages 44-55
In vitro enzymatic reduction kinetics of
mineral oxides by membrane fractions from
Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 •
Shane S. Ruebush, Gary A. Icopini,
Susan L. Brantley and Ming Tien
Pages 56-70
Time scale and conditions of weathering
under tropical climate: Study of the
Amazon basin with U-series •
A. Dosseto, B. Bourdon, J. Gaillardet,
C.J. Allegre and N. Filizola
Pages 71-89
Tropical Atlantic SST history inferred
from Ca isotope thermometry over the last 140ka •
Dorothee Hippler, Anton Eisenhauer
and Thomas F. Nagler
Pages 90-100
Alkenone paleothermometry: Biological lessons
from marine sediment records off western South America •
Fredrick G. Prahl, Alan C. Mix and Margaret A. Sparrow
Pages 101-117
Iron isotopes in natural carbonate minerals
determined by MC-ICP-MS with a 58Fe–54Fe double spike •
K. Dideriksen, J.A. Baker and S.L.S. Stipp
Pages 118-132
Microbial contributions to N-immobilization
and organic matter preservation in
decaying plant detritus •
Luc Tremblay and Ronald Benner
Pages 133-146
Comparing the activity of aluminum in two
B horizons developed from volcanic ash
deposits in Japan, dominated by short-range
ordered aluminosilicates and crystalline
clay minerals, respectively •
Yasumi Yagasaki, Jan Mulder and Masanori Okazaki
Pages 147-163
High-precision 142Nd/144Nd measurements in
terrestrial rocks: Constraints on the early
differentiation of the Earth’s mantle •
Guillaume Caro, Bernard Bourdon,
Jean-Louis Birck and Stephen Moorbath
Pages 164-191
Layered mantle structure beneath the western
Guyana Shield, Venezuela: Evidence from
diamonds and xenocrysts in Guaniamo kimberlites •
Daniel J. Schulze, Dante Canil,
Dominic M.DeR. Channer and Felix V. Kaminsky
Pages 192-205
Vapor pressures and evaporation coefficients
for melts of ferromagnesian chondrule-like compositions •
A.V. Fedkin, L. Grossman and M.S. Ghiorso
Pages 206-223
Li and B isotopic variations in an Allende CAI:
Evidence for the in situ decay of short-lived
10Be and for the possible presence of the
short-lived nuclide 7Be in the early solar system •
Marc Chaussidon, Francois Robert and Kevin D. McKeegan
Pages 224-245
Petrology and geochemistry of LaPaz Icefield 02205:
A new unique low-Ti mare-basalt meteorite •
Mahesh Anand, Lawrence A. Taylor, Christine Floss,
Clive R. Neal, Kentaro Terada and Shiho Tanikawa
Pages 246-264
Book review •
Christian Koeberl
Pages 265-266
Cover 4 (TOC continued and Barcode) •
Page CO4