Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2000, V 64, N 1, 1 January.

Michael J. Drake, 
Changing of the guard, 
pp. 1

Frank A. Podosek, 
What's new and what's not, 
pp. 3

Antonio Simonetti, Clément Gariépy, Jean Carignan, 
Pb and Sr isotopic compositions of snowpack from québec,
canada: inferences on the sources and
deposition budgets of atmospheric heavy metals, 
pp. 5-20

John S. Roden, Guanghui Lin, James R. Ehleringer, 
A mechanistic model for interpretation of hydrogen 
and oxygen isotope ratios in tree-ring cellulose,
pp. 21-35

Mark Pagani, Katherine H. Freeman, Michael A. Arthur, 
Isotope analyses of molecular and total organic carbon 
from miocene sediments, 
pp. 37-49

Jeroen D. Filius, David G. Lumsdon, Johannes C.L. Meeussen, 
Tjisse Hiemstra, Willem H. Van Riemsdijk, 
Adsorption of fulvic acid on goethite,
pp. 51-60

A.R. Hoch, M.M. Reddy, G.R. Aiken, 
Calcite crystal growth inhibition by humic substances with 
emphasis on hydrophobic acids from the Florida Everglades, 
pp. 61-72

Kyoungwon Min, Roland Mundil, Paul R. Renne12, Kenneth R. Ludwig, 
A test for systematic errors in 40Ar/39Ar geochronology 
through comparison with U/Pb analysis of a 1.1-Ga rhyolite, 
pp. 73-98

M. Klein, H.-G. Stosch, H.A. Seck, N. Shimizu, 
Experimental partitioning of high field strength and rare 
earth elements between clinopyroxene and
garnet in andesitic to tonalitic systems, 
pp. 99-115

Peter Deines, Stephen E. Haggerty, 
Small-scale oxygen isotope variations and petrochemistry 
of ultradeep (>300 km) and transition zone xenoliths,
pp. 117-131

W.L. Griffin, N.J. Pearson, E. Belousova, S.E. Jackson, E. van Achterbergh,
Suzanne Y. O'Reilly, S.R. Shee, 
The Hf isotope composition of cratonic mantle: LAM-MC-ICPMS
analysis of zircon megacrysts in kimberlites,
pp. 133-147

Cyrena A. Goodrich, Jeremy S. Delaney, 
Fe/Mg--Fe/Mn relations of meteorites and primary heterogeneity 
of primitive achondrite parent bodies, 
pp. 149-160