Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2005, V 69, N 1, 1 Jan.
Accumulation rates and predominant atmospheric
sources of natural and anthropogenic Hg and Pb
on the Faroe Islands •
W. Shotyk, M.E. Goodsite, F. Roos-Barraclough,
N. Givelet, G. Le Roux, D. Weiss, A.K. Cheburkin,
K. Knudsen, J. Heinemeier, W.O. van Der Knaap et al.
Pages 1-17
Heavy metals deposited from the atmosphere
on upland Scottish soils: Chemical and lead
isotope studies of the association of metals
with soil components •
Jeffrey R. Bacon and Irene J. Hewitt
Pages 19-33
Kinetics of reaction between O2 and Mn(II)
species in aqueous solutions •
James J. Morgan
Pages 35-48
Cu(II) adsorption at the calcite–water interface
in the presence of natural organic matter:
Kinetic studies and molecular-scale characterization •
Young J. Lee, Evert J. Elzinga and Richard J. Reeder
Pages 49-61
Surface complexation of neodymium at the
rutile-water interface: A potentiometric
and modeling study in NaCl media to 250°C •
Moira K. Ridley, Michael L. Machesky,
David J. Wesolowski and Donald A. Palmer
Pages 63-81
Oxidation of iron (II) nanomolar with H2O2 in seawater •
Melchor Gonzalez-Davila, J. Magdalena Santana-Casiano
and Frank J. Millero
Pages 83-93
Authigenic uranium: Relationship to oxygen
penetration depth and organic carbon rain •
James McManus, William M. Berelson, Gary P. Klinkhammer,
Douglas E. Hammond and Chris Holm
Pages 95-108
Noble gas and halogen evidence for the origin of
Scandinavian sandstone-hosted Pb-Zn deposits •
M.A. Kendrick, R. Burgess, D. Harrison and A. Bjorlykke
Pages 109-129
Early diagenesis of carbohydrates and lignin
in mangrove sediments subject to variable
edox conditions (French Guiana) •
C. Marchand, J.R. Disnar, E. Lallier-Verges and N. Lottier
Pages 131-142
Boron isotopic variations in fumarolic
condensates and thermal waters from Vulcano
Island, Italy: Implications for evolution of volcanic fluids •
W.P. Leeman, S. Tonarini, M. Pennisi and G. Ferrara
Pages 143-163
Ca isotope fingerprints of early crust-mantle evolution •
K. Kreissig and T. Elliott
Pages 165-176
Supernova graphite in the NanoSIMS: Carbon,
oxygen and titanium isotopic compositions
of a spherule and its TiC sub-components •
F.J. Stadermann, T.K. Croat, T.J. Bernatowicz,
S. Amari, S. Messenger, R.M. Walker and E. Zinner
Pages 177-188
Iodine-xenon analysis of Chainpur (LL3.4) chondrules •
G. Holland, J.C. Bridges, A. Busfield, T. Jeffries,
G. Turner and J.D. Gilmour
Pages 189-200
Behavior of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons at
impact shock: Its implication for survival of
organic materials delivered to the early Earth •
Koichi Mimura and Seiji Toyama
Pages 201-209
Non-spherical lobate chondrules in CO3.0 Y-81020:
General implications for the formation of low-FeO
porphyritic chondrules in CO chondrites •
Alan E. Rubin and John T. Wasson
Pages 211-220
Philip A. Bland, Neil M. McBride, J. Antony,
M. McDonnell, Elaine A. Moore, Michael Widdowson
and Ian P. Wright In: Neil McBride and Iain Gilmour,
Editors, An Introduction to the Solar System,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2004) 412 pp.,
paperback, US $65.00 (ISBN 0-521-54620-6). • BOOK REVIEW
Alan E. Rubin
Page 221
Donald Clayton, Handbook of Isotopes in the
Cosmos Hydrogen to Gallium, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, UK (2003) ISBN 0-521-82381-1,
314 pp., hardcover, US $ 90.00. • BOOK REVIEW
Christian Koeberl
Page 223