European Journal of Mineralogy, 1997, V 9, N3.

P. Keller, F. Fontan, F. Velasco-Roldan, J.C. Melgarejo i Draper (475-482)
Stanekite, Fe3+(Mn,Fe2+,Mg)(PO4)O: a new phosphate mineral in pegmatites at Karibib (Namibia) and the Pyrenees (France).
A. Chakhmouradian, V. Yakovenchuk, R.H. Mitchell, A. Bogdanova (483-490)
Isolueshite, a new mineral of the perovskite group from the Khibina alkaline complex.
B. Gottesmann, R. Wirth (491-500)
Pyrrhotite inclusions in dark pigmented apatite from granitic rocks.
A. Papin, J. Sergent, J.L. Robert (501-508)
Intersite OH-F distribution in an Al-rich synthetic phlogopite.
T. Fockenberg, W. Schreyer (509-518)
Synthesis and chemistry of unusual excess-Si aluminous enstatite in the system MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 (MAS).
M.E. Böttcher, P.L. Gehlken, A. Fernández-Gonzáles, M. Prieto (519-528)
Characterization of synthetic BaCO3-SrCO3 (witherite-strontianite) solid solutions by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy.
J. Götze, M. Plötze (529-537)
Investigation of trace-element distribution in detrital quartz by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR).
B. Devouard, A. Baronnet, G. van Tendeloo, S. Amelinckx (539-546)
First evidence of synthetic polygonal serpentines.
S.W. Faryad, W. Schreyer (547-562)
Petrology and geological significance of high-pressure metamorphic rocks occurring as pebbles in the Cretaceous conglomerates of the Klippen Belt (West Carpathians, Slovakia).
I.M. Villa, G. Ruggieri, M. Puxxedu (563-568)
Petrological and geochronological discrimination of two white-mica generations in a granite cored from the Larderello-Travale geothermal field (Italy).
J. Adam, T.H. Green, S.H. Sie, C.G. Ryan (569-584)
Partitioning between aqueous fluids, silicate melts and minerals.
C. Viti, M. Mellini (585-596)
Contrasting chemical compositions in associated lizardite and chrysotile in veins from Elba, Italy.
R.B. Heimann, T.A. Vu, M.L. Wayman (597-615)
Bioceramic coatings: state-of-the-art and recent development trends.
Y.K. Kabalov, O. Oeckerl, E.V. Sokolova, A.B. Mironov, B.V. Chesnokov (617-621)
Subsilicic ferrian aluminian diopside from the Chelyabinsk coal basin (southern Urals) - an unusual clinopyroxene.
B.E. Leake et al. (623-651)
Nomenclature of amphiboles: report of the Subcommittee on amphiboles of the International Mineralogical Association Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names.
M. Vavelidis, V. Melfos (653-657)
Two plumbian tetrahedrite-tennantite occurrences from Maronia area (Thrace) and Milos Island (Aegean Sea), Greece.
N. Wawrzenitz, E. Mposkos (659-664)
First evidence for Lower Cretaceous HP/HT metamorphism in the Eastern Rhodope, North Aegean Region, North-East Greece.

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