European Journal of Mineralogy, 1996, V 8, N 6.
- U. Hålenius, H. Skogby
- Crystal field spectra of trivalent manganese in
synthetic and natural (Na+-Mn3+)-substituted diopside.
- M. Rieder, J. Hybler, L. Smrcok, Z. Weiss
- Refinement of the crystal structure
of zinnwaldite-2M1.
- R.K. Rastsvetaeva, D.Yu. Pushcharovsky, I.V. Pekov
- Crystal structure of
- M. Okuno, H. Iwatsuki, T. Matsumoto
- Structural analysis of an obsidian by X-
ray diffraction method.
- M. Mellini, Z. Weiss, M. Rieder, M. Drábek
- Cs-ferriannite as a possible host
for waste cesium: crystal structure and synthesis.
- A. Alberti, S. Quartieri, G. Vezzalini
- Thermal behaviour of zeolites: single-
crystal X-ray study of dehydration and rehydration mechanism in yugawaralite.
- P. Daniels, B.
- Al3Si2O7(OH)3,
phase Pi (formerly piezotite): a synthetic high-pressure silicate rediscovered.
- T. Fockenberg, B. Wunder, K.D. Grevel, M. Burchard
- The equilibrium
diaspore-corundum at high pressures.
- S.A. Hayward, J. Chrosch, E.K.H. Salje, M.A. Carpenter
- Thickness of pericline
twin walls in anorthoclase: an X-ray diffraction study.
- A. Alberti
- The relationship between atomic displacement factors and structural
parameters in silica polymorphs.
- A.N. Zaitsev, V.N. Yakovenchuk, G.Y. Chao, R.A. Gault, V.V. Subbotin, Y.A.
Pakhomosky, A.N. Bogdanova
- Kukharenkoite-(Ce),
Ba2Ce(CO3)3F, a new mineral
from Kola peninsula, Russia, and Qué:bec, Canada.
- D. Hugh-Jones, R. Sharp, R. Angel, A. Woodland
- The transition of
orthoferrosilite to high-pressure clinoferrosilite-C2/c at ambient temperature.
- C. Cipriani, M. Corazza, G. Mazzetti
- Reinvestigation of natural silver
- K.A. Hickey, T.H. Bell
- Syn-deformational grain growth: matrix coarsening
during foliation development and regional metamorphism rather than by static annealing.
- M. Guiraud, J.R. Kiénast, A. Rahmani
- Petrological study of high-
temperature granulites from In Ouzzal, Algeria: some implications on the phase
relationships in the FMASTOCr system.
- M.D. Ruiz Cruz, B. Andreo
- Tosudite in very low-grade metamorphic
graywackes from the Málaga area (Betic Cordilleras, Spain).
- H.E. Belkin, B. De Vivo, A. Lima, K. Török
- Magmatic
(silicates/saline/sulphur-rich/CO2) immiscibility and zirconium and rare-earth
element enrichment from alkaline magma chamber margins: evidence from Ponza island,
Pontine archipelago, Italy.
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