European Journal of Mineralogy, 1996, V 8, N 2

S. Liu, M.D. Welch, J. Klinowski, W.V. Maresch
A MAS NMR study of a monoclinic/triclinic phase transition in an amphibole with excess OH: Na3Mg5Si8O21(OH)3.
C. Mundus, W. Müller-Warmuth, J.C. Buhl
Crystallization of a basic sodalite under hydrothermal conditions studied by MAS-NMR, XRD and DTA/DTG.
G. Ferraris, G. Ivaldi, A.P. Khomyakov, S.V. Soboleva, E. Belluso, A. Pavese
Nafertisite, a layer titanosilicate member of a new polysomatic series including mica.
E. Gnos, T. Armbruster, D. Nyfeler
Kanoite, donpeacorite and tirodite: Mn-Mg-silicates from a manganiferous quartzite in the United Arab Emirates.
P. Yang, T. Armbruster
(010) disorder, partial Si-Al ordering, and Ca distribution in triclinic (C1) epistilbite.
M. Tribaudino
High-temperature crystal chemistry of C2/c clinopyroxenes along the join CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6.
V.M.F. Hammer, A. Beran, D. Endisch, F. Rauch
OH concentrations in natural titanites determined by FTIR spectroscopy and nuclear reaction analysis.
F. Martin, P. Ildefonse, J.L. Hazelmann, S. Petit, O. Grauby, A. Decarreau
Random distribution of Ge and Si in synthetic talc: an EXAFS and FTIR study.
H.H. Otto, H.J. Brandt
Crystal structure of Pb6(Ge6O18).2H2O, a lead cyclo-germanate similar to the mineral dioptase.
A.Yu. Barkov, Y.P. Menshikov, V.D. Begizov, A.I. Lednev
Oulankaite, a new platinum-group mineral from the Likkulaisvaara layered intrusion, northern Karelia, Russia.
Y.F. Zheng, B. Fu, B. Gong, S. Li
Extreme 18O depletion in eclogite from the Su-Lu terrane in East China.
M. Chen, X. Xie
Na behaviour in the shoch-induced melt phase of the Yanzhuang (H6) chondrite.
B. Goffé, J.M. Azanon, M.L. Bouybaouène, M. Jullien
Metamorphic cookeite in Alpine metapelites from Rif, northern Morocco, and the Betic Chain, southern Spain.
F. Brunet, D. Vielzeuf
The farringtonite/Mg3(PO4)2-II transformation: a new curve for pressure calibration in piston-cylinder apparatus.
K. Kullerud
Chlorine-rich amphiboles: interplay between amphibole composition and an evolving fluid.
K.U. Hess, D.B. Dingwell, S.L. Webb
The influence of alkaline-earth oxides (BeO, MgO, CaO, SrO, BaO) on the viscosity of a haplogranitic melt: systematics of non-Arrhenian behaviour.
B.W.D. Yardley, E. Condliffe, G.E. Lloyd, D.H.M. Harris
Polyphase garnets from western Ireland: two-phase intergrowths in the grossular-almandine series.
K. Michailidis, A. Kassoli-Fournaraki, R.V. Dietrich
Origin of zoned tourmalines in graphite-rich metasedimentary rocks from Macedonia, northern Greece.
N. Petford, B. Paterson, K. McCaffrey, S. Pugliese
Melt infiltration and advection in microdioritic enclaves.
J.L. Zimmermann, R. Moretto
Release of water and gases from halite crystals.
C. Viti, M. Mellini
Vein antigorites from Elba Island, Italy.
J.D. Price, J.P. Hogan, M.C. Gilbert
Rapakivi texture in the Mount Scott granite, Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma.
A.M. Koziol
Quaternary (Ca-Fe-Mg-Mn) garnet: displaced equilibrium experiments and implications for current garnet mixing models.
E.H. Nickel
Mineral names applied to synthetic substances.

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