European Journal of Mineralogy, 1996, V 8, N 2
- S. Liu, M.D. Welch, J. Klinowski, W.V. Maresch
- A MAS NMR study of
a monoclinic/triclinic phase transition in an amphibole with excess OH: Na3Mg5Si8O21(OH)3.
- C. Mundus, W. Müller-Warmuth, J.C. Buhl
- Crystallization of a basic sodalite
under hydrothermal conditions studied by MAS-NMR, XRD and DTA/DTG.
- G.
Ferraris, G. Ivaldi, A.P. Khomyakov, S.V. Soboleva, E. Belluso, A. Pavese
- Nafertisite, a layer titanosilicate member of a new polysomatic series including
- E. Gnos, T. Armbruster, D. Nyfeler
- Kanoite, donpeacorite and
tirodite: Mn-Mg-silicates from a manganiferous quartzite in the United Arab Emirates.
- P. Yang, T. Armbruster
- (010) disorder, partial Si-Al ordering, and Ca
distribution in triclinic (C1) epistilbite.
- M. Tribaudino
- High-temperature crystal chemistry of C2/c clinopyroxenes
along the join CaMgSi2O6-CaAl2SiO6.
- V.M.F. Hammer, A. Beran, D. Endisch, F. Rauch
- OH concentrations in
natural titanites determined by FTIR spectroscopy and nuclear reaction analysis.
- F. Martin, P. Ildefonse, J.L. Hazelmann, S. Petit, O. Grauby, A. Decarreau
- Random distribution of Ge and Si in synthetic talc: an EXAFS and FTIR study.
- H.H. Otto, H.J. Brandt
- Crystal structure of Pb6(Ge6O18).2H2O, a lead
cyclo-germanate similar to the mineral dioptase.
- A.Yu. Barkov, Y.P. Menshikov, V.D. Begizov, A.I. Lednev
- Oulankaite,
a new platinum-group mineral from the Likkulaisvaara layered intrusion, northern Karelia,
- Y.F. Zheng, B. Fu, B. Gong, S. Li
- Extreme 18O depletion in
eclogite from the Su-Lu terrane in East China.
- M. Chen, X. Xie
- Na behaviour in the shoch-induced melt phase of the
Yanzhuang (H6) chondrite.
- B. Goffé, J.M. Azanon, M.L. Bouybaouène, M. Jullien
- Metamorphic cookeite in Alpine metapelites from Rif, northern Morocco, and the
Betic Chain, southern Spain.
- F. Brunet, D. Vielzeuf
- The farringtonite/Mg3(PO4)2-II transformation: a
new curve for pressure calibration in piston-cylinder apparatus.
- K. Kullerud
- Chlorine-rich amphiboles: interplay between amphibole
composition and an evolving fluid.
- K.U. Hess, D.B. Dingwell, S.L. Webb
- The influence of alkaline-earth
oxides (BeO, MgO, CaO, SrO, BaO) on the viscosity of a haplogranitic melt: systematics
of non-Arrhenian behaviour.
- B.W.D. Yardley, E. Condliffe, G.E. Lloyd, D.H.M. Harris
- Polyphase
garnets from western Ireland: two-phase intergrowths in the grossular-almandine series.
- K. Michailidis, A. Kassoli-Fournaraki, R.V. Dietrich
- Origin of zoned
tourmalines in graphite-rich metasedimentary rocks from Macedonia, northern Greece.
- N. Petford, B. Paterson, K. McCaffrey, S. Pugliese
- Melt infiltration and
advection in microdioritic enclaves.
- J.L. Zimmermann, R. Moretto
- Release of water and gases from halite
- C. Viti, M. Mellini
- Vein antigorites from Elba Island, Italy.
- J.D. Price, J.P. Hogan, M.C. Gilbert
- Rapakivi texture in the Mount Scott
granite, Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma.
- A.M. Koziol
- Quaternary (Ca-Fe-Mg-Mn) garnet: displaced equilibrium
experiments and implications for current garnet mixing models.
- E.H.
- Mineral names applied to synthetic substances.
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