European Journal of Mineralogy, 1996, V 8, N 1.

S. Saito, M. Shimizu, M. Kimata
High-temperature crystal structure of sanidine. Part I - A radiative microfurnace for single-crystal X-ray diffraction, acquiring control of the temperature against chi-angle movement.
M. Kimata, M. Shimizu, S. Saito
High-temperature crystal structure of sanidine. Part II - The crystal structure of sanidine at 935°C.
U. Hålenius, B. Lindqvist
Chromophoric divalent iron in optically anisotropic magnussonite.
L. Leoni, M. Marroni, F. Sartori, M. Tamponi
Metamorphic grade in metapelites of the Internal Liguride Units (Northern Apennines, Italy).
X. Wang, A. Lindh
Temperature-pressure investigation of the Southern part of the Southwest Swedish Granulite Region.
A. Alberti, G. Vezzalini, E. Galli, S. Quartieri
The crystal structure of gottardiite, a new natural zeolite.
J. Barbier
The crystal structure of Ni5(AsO4)2(OH)4 and its comparison to other M5(XO4)2(OH)4 compounds.
E. Stuckenschmidt, W. Joswig, W.H. Baur
Flexibility and distortion of the collapsible framework of NAT topology: the crystal structure of H3O-natrolite.
H. Kucha, W. Osuch, J. Elsen
Viaeneite, (Fe,Pb)4S8O, a new mineral with mixed sulphur valencies from Engis, Belgium.
H. Graetsch, I. Topalovic-Dierdorf
29Si MAS NMR spectrum and superstructure of modulated tridymite L3-To(MX-1).
L.N. Warr
Standardized clay mineral crystallinity data from the very low-grade metamorphic facies rocks of southern New Zealand.
H.J. Kuzel, H. Baier
Hydration of calcium aluminate cements in the presence of calcium carbonate.
A.A. Graphchikov, A.N. Konilov
Experimental study of partial melting of biotite-orthopyroxene-quartz bearing assemblages in the system KAlO2-MgO-FeO-SiO2-H2O.
S. Nasir
Oxygen thermobarometry of the Semail harzburgite massif, Oman and United Arab Emirates.
R. Spiess, T.H. Bell
Microstructural controls on sites of metamorphic reaction: a case study of the inter-relationship between deformation and metamorphism.
M. Wildner, G. Giester, C.L. Lengauer, C.A. McCammon
Structure and crystal chemistry of vivianite-type compounds. Crystal structures of erythrite and annabergite with a Mössbauer study of erythrite.
G. Traversa, M. Barbieri, L. Beccaluva, M. Coltorti, A.M. Conte, C. Garbarino, C.B. Gomes, G. Macciotta, L. Morbidelli, S. Ronca, L.F. Scheibe
Mantle sources and differentiation of alkaline magmatic suites of lages, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

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