European Jounal of Mineralogy, 1995, V 7, N 4.

Part I - I.M.A. Pisa 1994

C.J. Schneer
Origin of mineralogy: the age of Agricola.
M. Franzini
Stones in monuments: natural and human-caused deterioration of marble artifacts.
B. Mysen
Experimental, in-situ, high-temperature studies of properties and structure of silicate melts relevant to magmatic processes.
C.P. Klages
Metastable diamond synthesis. Principles and applications.
G.E. Harlow
Crystal chemistry of barian enrichment in micas from metasomatized inclusions in serpentinite; Motagua fault zone, Guatemala.
E.K.H. Salje
Chemical mixing and structural phase transitions: the plateau effect and oscillatory zoning near surfaces and interfaces.
B.H. Grobéty, D. Veblen
HRTEM study of stacking faults and polytypism in kyanite.
M. Lezzerini, F. Sartori, M. Tamponi
Effects of material amount on sedimentation slides in the control of illite "crystallinity" measurements.
E.A. Smelik
Fluid channelization at the submicroscopic scale in exsolved orthoamphiboles.
B. Devouard, A. Baronnet
Axial diffraction of curved lattices: geometrical and numerical modelling. Application to chrysotile.
C. Malitesta, I. Losito, F. Scordari, E. Schingaro
XPS investigation of titanium in melanites from Monte Vulture (Italy)

Part II - E.M.P.G. London 1994

R.C. Newton
Simple-system mineral reactions and high-grade metamorphic fluids.
J.A. Dalton, B.J. Wood
The stability of carbonate under upper-mantle conditions as a function of temperature and oxygen fugacity.
B.C. Schmidt, B. Scaillet, F. Holtz
Accurate control of fH2 in cold-seal pressure vessels with the Shaw membrane technique.
H. Behrens
Determination of water solubilities in high-viscosity melts: an experimental study on NaAlSi3O8 and KAlSi3O8.
L. Cemic, P. Schmid-Beurmann
Lazulite stability relations in the system Al2PO3-AlPO4-Mg3(PO4)2-H2O.
D. Lattard, W. Bubenik
Synthetic staurolites in the system Mg-Fe-Al-Si-O-H.
D.P. Carrington
The relative stability of garnet-cordierite and orthopyroxene- sillimanite-quartz assemblages in metapelitic granulites: experimental data.

Part III - Original articles

A.N. Platonov, K. Langer, A. Wiewiora, M. Andrut
Electronic absorption spectra of chromium-bearing amesite.
G. Bellieni, G. Cavazzini, A.M. Fioretti, E. Justin Visentin, B. Zanettin, P. Zantedeschi
Magmatic evolution of the Borzago Valley calc-alkaline basic satellite body (Southern Adamello batholith - Northern Italy) and role of xenocrystic phases in its geochemistry.
R. Casillas, G. Nagy, G. Panto, J. Brändle, I. Forizs
Occurrence of Th, U, Y, Zr and REE-bearing accessory minerals in Late-Variscan granitic rocks from the Sierra de Guadarrama (Spain).
V.V. Kostov, J. Macicek
Crystal structure of synthetic Pb12.65Sb11.35S28.35Cl2.65 - A new perception of the crystal chemistry of chlorine-bearing lead-antimony sulfosalts.
S.A.T. Redfern, A.M.T. Bell, C.M.B. Henderson, P.F. Schofield
Rietveld study of the structural phase transition in the sanmartinite (ZnWO4)-cuproscheelite (CuWO4) solid solution.
E. Galli, S. Quartieri, G. Vezzalini, A. Alberti
Boggsite and tschernichite-type zeolites from Mt. Adamson, Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica).

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