European Jounal of Mineralogy, 1995, V 7, N 4.
Part I - I.M.A. Pisa 1994
- C.J. Schneer
- Origin of mineralogy: the age of Agricola.
- M. Franzini
- Stones in monuments: natural and human-caused deterioration of
marble artifacts.
- B. Mysen
- Experimental, in-situ, high-temperature studies of properties and
structure of silicate melts relevant to magmatic processes.
- C.P. Klages
- Metastable diamond synthesis. Principles and applications.
- G.E. Harlow
- Crystal chemistry of barian enrichment in micas from metasomatized
inclusions in serpentinite; Motagua fault zone, Guatemala.
- E.K.H. Salje
- Chemical mixing and structural phase transitions: the plateau effect
and oscillatory zoning near surfaces and interfaces.
- B.H. Grobéty, D. Veblen
- HRTEM study of stacking faults and polytypism
in kyanite.
- M. Lezzerini, F. Sartori, M. Tamponi
- Effects of material amount on sedimentation
slides in the control of illite "crystallinity" measurements.
- E.A. Smelik
- Fluid channelization at the submicroscopic scale in exsolved
- B. Devouard, A. Baronnet
- Axial diffraction of curved lattices: geometrical and numerical
modelling. Application to chrysotile.
- C. Malitesta, I. Losito, F. Scordari, E. Schingaro
- XPS investigation of titanium in
melanites from Monte Vulture (Italy)
Part II - E.M.P.G. London 1994
- R.C. Newton
- Simple-system mineral reactions and high-grade metamorphic fluids.
- J.A. Dalton, B.J. Wood
- The stability of carbonate under upper-mantle conditions
as a function of temperature and oxygen fugacity.
- B.C. Schmidt, B. Scaillet, F. Holtz
- Accurate control of fH2 in cold-seal
pressure vessels with the Shaw membrane technique.
- H. Behrens
- Determination of water solubilities in high-viscosity melts: an
experimental study on NaAlSi3O8 and KAlSi3O8.
- L. Cemic, P. Schmid-Beurmann
- Lazulite stability relations in the system Al2PO3-AlPO4-Mg3(PO4)2-H2O.
- D. Lattard, W. Bubenik
- Synthetic staurolites in the system Mg-Fe-Al-Si-O-H.
- D.P. Carrington
- The relative stability of garnet-cordierite and orthopyroxene-
sillimanite-quartz assemblages in metapelitic granulites: experimental data.
Part III - Original articles
- A.N. Platonov, K. Langer, A. Wiewiora, M. Andrut
- Electronic absorption spectra
of chromium-bearing amesite.
- G. Bellieni, G. Cavazzini, A.M. Fioretti, E. Justin Visentin, B. Zanettin, P. Zantedeschi
- Magmatic evolution of the Borzago Valley calc-alkaline basic satellite body (Southern
Adamello batholith - Northern Italy) and role of xenocrystic phases in its geochemistry.
- R. Casillas, G. Nagy, G. Panto, J. Brändle, I. Forizs
- Occurrence of Th, U,
Y, Zr and REE-bearing accessory minerals in Late-Variscan granitic rocks from the Sierra de
Guadarrama (Spain).
- V.V. Kostov, J. Macicek
- Crystal structure of synthetic
Pb12.65Sb11.35S28.35Cl2.65 - A new perception of the crystal chemistry of chlorine-bearing
lead-antimony sulfosalts.
- S.A.T. Redfern, A.M.T. Bell, C.M.B. Henderson, P.F. Schofield
- Rietveld study
of the structural phase transition in the sanmartinite (ZnWO4)-cuproscheelite (CuWO4) solid
- E. Galli, S. Quartieri, G. Vezzalini, A. Alberti
- Boggsite and tschernichite-type
zeolites from Mt. Adamson, Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica).
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