European Journal of Mineralogy, 2006, V 18, N 1, February.
TI: Editorial
AU: Chopin, Christian
PG: 5-5(1)
TI: Deformation of olivine at mantle pressure using the D-DIA
AU: Li, Li; Weidner, Donald; Raterron, Paul; Chen, Jiuhua;
Vaughan, Michael; Mei, Shenghua; Durham, Bill
PG: 7-19(13)
TI: Serpentinites in an Alpine convergent setting: Effects
of metamorphic grade and deformation on microstructures
AU: Auzende, Anne-Line; Guillot, Stephane;
Devouard, Bertrand; Baronnet, Alain
PG: 21-33(13)
TI: Aluminous sapphirine granulites from the Eastern
Ghats Belt (India): Phase relations and relevance
to counterclockwise P-T history
AU: Das, Suman; Bhattacharya, Abhijit; Raith,
Michael M.; Bhadra, Subhadip; Banerjee, Manua
PG: 35-48(14)
TI: Experimental data on Fe and Mg partitioning between
coexisting sapphirine and spinel: an empirical
geothermometer and its application
AU: Das, Kaushik; Fujino, Kiyoshi; Tomioka, Naotaka;
Miura, Hiroyuki
PG: 49-58(10)
TI: Illitic substitution in micas of very low-grade metamorphic
clastic rocks
AU: Abad, Isabel; Nieto, Fernando; Gutierrez-Alonso, Gabriel;
Do Campo, Margarita; Lopez-Munguira, Aurora; Velilla, Nicolas
PG: 59-69(11)
TI: Infrared spectroscopy study of nitrogen centers in
microdiamonds from Ukrainian Neogene placers
AU: Taran, Michail N.; Kvasnytsya, Victor M.;
Langer, Klaus; Ilchenko, Katerina O.
PG: 71-81(11)
TI: Investigation of the {104} surface of calcite under dry and
humid atmospheric conditions with grazing incidence X-ray
diffraction (GIXRD)
AU: Magdans, Uta; Gies, Hermann; Torrelles, Xavier; Rius, Jordi
PG: 83-92(10)
TI: Structure of framboidal pyrite: a single crystal X-ray diffraction study
AU: Ohfuji, Hiroaki; Rickard, David; Light, Mark E.; Hursthouse, Michael B.
PG: 93-98(6)
TI: Synthesis and crystal structure determination of hydrated potassium
dawsonite from powder diffraction data
AU: Fernandez-Carrasco, Lucia; Rius, Jordi
PG: 99-104(6)
TI: Clinohydroxylapatite: a new apatite-group mineral from
northwestern Ontario (Canada), and new data on the extent of
Na-S substitution in natural apatites
AU: Chakhmouradian, Anton R.; Medici, Luca
PG: 105-112(8)
TI: The crystal structure of stanekite, (Fe3+,Mn2+,Fe2+,Mg)2[PO4]O,
from Okatjimukuju, Karibib (Namibia), and its
relationship to the polymorphs of synthetic Fe2[PO4]O
AU: Keller, Paul; Lissner, Falk; Schleid, Thomas
PG: 113-118(6)
TI: Macroscopic palygorskite from Lisbom Volcanic Complex
AU: suarez, Mercedes; Romero, Emilia Garcia
PG: 119-126(8)
TI: Unusual Ti and Zr aegirine-augite and potassic
magnesio-arfvedsonite in the peralkaline potassic oversaturated
Buhovo-Seslavtzi complex, Bulgaria
AU: Dyulgerov, Momchil M.; Platevoet, Bernard
PG: 127-138(12)