European Journal of Mineralogy, 2004, V 16, N 4, August.
Kinetics of deuteration in pyrope
Marc Blanchard; Jannick Ingrin
High-PT study of solid solutions in the system
ZrO2-TiO 2: The stability of srilankite
Ulrike Troitzsch; David J. Ellis
A microstructural study of a "crack-seal" type
serpentine vein using SEM and TEM techniques
Muriel Andreani; Alain Baronnet; Anne Marie Boullier;
Jean Pierre Gratier
Vermiculite surface structure as imaged by
contact mode AFM
Celia Marcos; Irene Rodriguez; Luis Clauzio De Renno;
Gnacio J. Paredes
Anthropogenic origin of salt crusts on sandstone
sculptures of Prague's Charles Bridge (Czech Republic):
Evidence of mineralogy and stable isotope geochemistry
Richard Pikryl; Jina Svobodova; Karel Zak; David Hradil
The provenance of "red marble" monuments from the
12th -18th centuries in Hungary
Farkas Pinter; Gyorgy Szakmany; Attila A Demeny; Maria Toth
Pyrometamorphic formation of phosphorus-rich olivines
in partially molten metapelitic gneisses from a prehistoric
sacrificial burning site (Otz Valley, Tyrol, Austria)
Peter Tropper; Arno Recheis; Jurgen Konzett
Oligocene trondhjemitic dikes in the Austroalpine basement
of the Pfunderer Berge, Sudtirol - level of emplacement
and metamorphic overprint
Claudia Trepmann; Bernhard Stockhert; Sumit Chakraborty
Pumpellyite in metapelites of the Schneeberg Complex
(Eastern Alps, Austria): a relict of the eo-Alpine prograde P-T path?
Kurt Krenn; Reinhard Kaindl; Georg Hoinkes
Magnetization and magnetic susceptibility of jadeite
Joanna Bartkowska; Jan Cisowski; Jean Voiron;
Jan Heimann; Maria Czaja; Zbigniew Mazurak
Crystal chemistry of apatites from the Tapira carbonatite
complex, Brazil
Maria Ranca Brigatti; Daniele Malferrari; Luca Medici;
Luisa Ottolini; Luciano Poppi
Crystal structure of mahnertite
Dmitry . Yu. Pushcharovsky; Natalia V. Zubkova;
Simon J. Teat; Elizabeth Maclean; Halil Sarp
The microstructure of the fibrous layer of terebratulide
brachiopod shell calcite
Wolfgang W. Schmahl; Erika Griesshaber; Rolf Neuser;
Anette Lenze; Reinhart Job; Uwe Brand