European Journal of Mineralogy, 2004, V 16, N 2, March.
Record 1.
TI: Melting experiments of a chondritic meteorite between 16
and 25 GPa: Implication for Na/K fractionation in
a primitive chondritic Earths mantle
AU: Chen M.; El Goresy A.; Frost D.; Gillet P.
PG: 203-211(9)
Record 2.
TI: Possible diffusive fractionation of helium isotopes
in olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts
AU: Harrison D.; Barry T.; Turner G.
PG: 213-220(8)
Record 3.
TI: Fluid inclusions in carpholite-bearing metasediment
s and blueschists from NE Oman: Constraints on P-T evolution
AU: El-Shazly A.K.; Sisson V.B.
PG: 221-233(13)
Record 4.
TI: Discovery of coesite from Indus Suture Zone (ISZ),
Ladakh, India: Evidence for deep subduction
AU: Sachan H.K.; Mukherjee B.K.; Ogasawara Y.;
Maruyama S.; Ishida H.; Muko A.; Yoshioka N.
PG: 235-240(6)
Record 5.
TI: On unusual deep-violet microcrystals of diamonds
from placers of Ukraine
AU: Taran M.N.; Kvasnytsya V.M.; Langer K.
PG: 241-245(5)
Record 6.
TI: Lithium in nigerite-group minerals
AU: Armbruster T.; Feenstra A.
PG: 247-254(8)
Record 7.
TI: Quantification of the deviations from closest
sphere packings
AU: Sowa H.; Koch E.
PG: 255-260(6)
Record 8.
TI: Single crystal structure analysis of sea urchin spine calcites:
Systematic investigations of the Ca/Mg distribution
as a function of habitat of the sea urchin and the
sample location in the spine
AU: Magdans U.; Gies H.
PG: 261-268(8)
Record 9.
TI: Moganite and water content as a function of age in agate:
an XRD and thermogravimetric study
AU: Moxon T.; Rios S.
PG: 269-278(10)
Record 10.
TI: Mixed phosphate-sulfate fluor apatites as possible
materials in dental fillers
AU: Piotrowski A.; Kahlenberg V.; Fischer R.X.
PG: 279-284(6)
Record 11.
TI: Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis, a new method in the
archaeological study of polished stone tools and their
raw materials
AU: Szakmany G.; Kasztovszky Z.
PG: 285-295(11)
Record 12.
TI: Archaeometric study of Etruscan-Padan type pottery from
the Veneto region: petrographic, mineralogical and
geochemical-physical characterisation
AU: Maritan L.
PG: 297-307(11)
Record 13.
TI: Oxidized tourmalines - a combined chemical, XRD
and Mossbauer study
AU: Pieczka A.; Kraczka J.
PG: 309-321(13)
Record 14.
TI: Schorl-oxy-schorl to dravite-oxy-dravite tourmaline from
granitic pegmatites; examples from the Moldanubicum,
Czech Republic
AU: Novak M.; Povondra P.; Selway J.B.
PG: 323-333(11)
Record 15.
TI: Crystal chemistry of the schorl-dravite series
AU: Bosi F.; Lucchesi S.
PG: 335-344(10)
Record 16.
TI: Crystal chemistry of the dravite-chromdravite series
AU: Bosi F.; Lucchesi S.; Reznitskii L.
PG: 345-352(8)
Record 17.
TI: The crystal structures of zincroselite and gaitite: Two
natural polymorphs of Ca2ZnAsO422H2O from Tsumeb, Namibia
AU: Keller P.; Lissner F.; Schleid T.
PG: 353-359(7)
Record 18.
TI: Jacquesdietrichite, Cu2BO(OH)2(OH)3, a new mineral
from the Tachgagalt mine, Morocco: Description and
crystal structure
AU: Kampf A.R.; Favreau G.
PG: 361-366(6)
Record 19.
TI: Larisaite, Na(H3O)(UO2)3(SeO3)2O2 4H2O, a new
uranyl selenite mineral from Repete mine,
San Juan County, Utah, U.S.A.
AU: Chukanov N.V.; Pushcharovsky D.Y.u.;
Pasero M.; Merlino S.; Barinova A.V.; Mockel S.;
Pekov I.V.; Zadov A.E.; Dubinchuk V.T.
PG: 367-374(8)
Record 20.
TI: Trattnerite, (Fe,Mg)2(Mg,Fe)3Si12O30, a new mineral
of the milarite group: mineral data and crystal structure
AU: Postl W.; Walter F.; Ettinger K.; Hauzenberger C.; Bojar H-P.
PG: 375-380(6)
Record 21.
TI: Some forthcoming papers
PG: 381-381(1)