European Journal of Mineralogy, 2001, V 13, N 6.

MICA 2000
Annibale Mottana; Francesco Paolo Sassi

Part I - Mica 2000
Mineral nomenclature in the mica group: the promise and the reality Milan Rieder First structure determination of an MDO-2O mica polytype associated with a 1M polytype Giovanni Ferraris; Angela Gula; Gabriella Ivaldi; Massimo Nespolo; Elena Sokolova; Yulia Uvarova; Alexander P. Khomyakov Coexisting 3T and 2M1 polytypes of phengite from Cima Pal (Val Savenca, western Alps): Chemical and polytypic zoning and structural characterisation Gabriella Ivaldi; Giovanni Ferraris; Nadia Curetti; Roberto Compagnoni Effects of the stacking faults on the calculated electron density of mica polytypes - The Durovic effect Massimo Nespolo; Giovanni Ferraris Apparent polytypism in the Ruiz Peak ferric phlogopite Massimo Nespolo; Yoshihiro Kuwahara Trioctahedral micas-1M from Mt. Vulture (Italy): Structural disorder and crystal chemistry Emanuela Schingaro; Fernando Scordari; Gennaro Ventruti M1-site occupancy in 3T and 2M1 phengites by low temperature neutron powder diffraction: reality or artefact? Alessandro Pavese; Giovanni Ferraris; Vittoria Pischedda; Franзois Fauth Fe XANES spectra of iron-rich micas M. Darby Dyar; Jeremy S. Delaney; Steven R. Sutton Experimental and theoretical XANES and EXAFS study Gabriele Giuli; Eleonora Paris; Ziyu Wu; Maria Franca Brigatti; Giannantonio Cibin; Annibale Mottana; Augusto Marcelli New standard illit crystallinity data from low- to very-low grade metamorphic rocks (Northern Apennines, Italy) Leonardo Leoni The baric character of the Patagonian basement as deduced from the muscovite d060,331 spacing: a first contribution from Eastern Andean Metamorphic Complex (Andes, Chile) Elisa Ramнrez; Raffaele Sassi A peculiar Ms-Pg textural association in a chloritoid-bearing micaschist recording a multistage P-T path Claudio Mazzoli; Raffaele Sassi; Alain Baronnet Phlogopite from the Serre ultramafic rocks, Central Calabria, Southern Italy Giovanna Rizzo; Eugenio Piluso; Lauro Morten
Part II - Original articles
Geothermobarometry using minerals at non-equilibrium: a corona example John R. Ashworth; Valentin S. Sheplev; Vladimir V. Khlestov; Vyatcheslav A. Ananyev Kinetics of thermal recovery and recrystallization of partially metamict zircon: a Raman spectroscopic study Thorsten Geisler; Robert T. Pidgeon; Wilhelm van Bronswijk; Ron Pleysier Shock-related mineralogical features and P-T history of the Suizhou L6 chondrite Xiande Xie; Ming Chen; Deqiang Wang Complete solid solution between magnesian schorl and lithian excess-boron olenite in a pegmatite from the Koralpe (eastern Alps, Austria) Angelika Kalt; Werner Schreyer; Thomas Ludwig; Stefan Prowatke; Heinz-Jьrgen Bernhardt; Andreas Ertl Compositional variation of aeschynite-group minerals in the Bayan Obo Nb-REE-Fe ore deposit, Inner Mongolia, China Zhuming Yang; Martin Smith; Paul Henderson; Michael J. LeBas; Kejie Tao; Peishan Zhang The crystal structure of a mixed alkali phyllosilicate with composition Na1.55K0.45Si2O5 Srdjan Rakic; Volker Kahlenberg The accumulation of potash in a continental basin: The example of the Qarhan Saline Lake, Qaidam Basin, West China; Zhenhao Duan; Wenxuan Hu Botanical iron minerals: correlation between nanocrystal structure and modes of biological self-assembly Richard G. McClean; Marvin A. Schofield; William F. Kean; Cynthia V. Sommer; Donald P. Robertson; Dick Toth; Marija Gajdardziska-Josifovska Luciano Ungaretti (1942-2001) Roberta Oberti