European Journal of Mineralogy, 2000, V 12, N 3.
E.K.H. Salje, M.A. Carpenter, T. Malcherek, T. Boffa Ballaran (503-519)
Autocorrelation analysis of infrared spectra from minerals
A.N. Platonov, K. Langer, C. Chopin, M. Andrut, M.N. Taran (521-528)
Fe2+-Ti4+ charge transfer in dumortierite
W. Schreyer, U. Wodara, B. Marler, P.A. van Aken, F. Seifert.
J.L. Robert (529-
Synthetic tourmaline (olenite) with excess boron replacing silicon in the
tetrahedral site: I. Synthesis conditions, chemical and spectroscopic
J. Ingrin, H. Skogby (543-570)
Hydrogen in nominally anhydrous upper-mantle minerals: concentration
levels and implications
E. Stuckenschmidt, A. Kirfel (571-579)
Zeolites of NAT topology: structure refinement of mesolite from
single-crystal X-ray data, and comparison with the structures of
natrolite and scolecite
J. Rius, D. Louër, M. Louër, S. Galí, J.C. Melgarejo
Structure solution from powder data of the phosphate hydrate tinticite
A. Pieczka (589-596)
Modelling of some structural parameters of tourmalines on the basis
of their chemical composition. I. Ordered structural model
S.V. Krivovichev, A.R. Chakhmouradian, R.H. Mitchell, S.K. Filatov,
Chukanov (597-607)
Crystal structure of isolueshite and its synthetic compositional analogue
A. Rodriguez-Navarro, J.M. García-Ruiz (609-614)
Model of textural development of layered crystal aggregates
P. Bruhns, R.X. Fischer (615-624)
Crystallization of cristobalite and tridymite in the presence of vanadium
E.S. Schandl, M.P. Gorton (625-637)
Sb-enriched ultramafic lamprophyre in the Hemlo Au-Mo deposit of the Superior
Province, Canada: evidence for post-Archean Sb mobility
M. Enders, M. Spiegel, J. Albrecht, A. Putnis (639-650)
Mineralogical problems in advanced power systems: the contribution of
slag and
gaseous chemical species to fly ash
S. Valls Del Barrio, M. Garcia-Vallès, M. Vendrell-Saz (651-659)
Mineralogical decay processes in stones: the case of the Lleida Cathedral
R. Simmat, K. Rickers (661-666)
Wagnerite in high-MgAl granulites of Anakapalle, Eastern Ghats Belt, India
A. Wain, D. Waters, A. Jephcoat, H. Olijynk (667-687)
The high-pressure to ultrahigh-pressure eclogite transition in the Western
Region, Norway