A.J. Naldrett (5-6) Guest Editorial: Mineralogy is alive!
Part I: Original articles M.N. Taran, K. Langer (7-15) Electronic absorption spectra of Fe3+ ions in andradite and epidote at different temperatures and pressures A.F. Gualtieri, A. Moen, D.G. Nicholson (17-23) XANES study of the local environment of iron in natural kaolinites T.H. Hansteen, P.M. Sachs, F. Lechtenberg (25-31) Synchrotron-XRF microprobe analysis of silicate reference standards using fundamental-parameter quantification G. Giorgetti, I. Memmi, D.R. Peacor (33-44) Contrast in processes and products of weathering of carpholite and associated phyllosilicates: a TEM study E. Belluso, R. Ruffini, M. Schaller, I.M. Villa (45-62) Electron-microscope and Ar-isotope characterization of chemically heterogeneous amphiboles from the Palala Shear Zone, Limpopo Belt, South Africa H.E. Höfer, S. Weinbruch, C.A. McCammon, G.P. Brey (63-71) Comparison of two electron-probe microanalysis techniques to determine ferric iron in synthetic wüstite samples V. von Seckendorff (73-93) Detection limits of selected rare-earth elements in electron-probe microanalysis D.Yu. Pushcharovsky, S.J. Teat, V.N. Zaitsev, N.V. Zubkova, H. Sarp (95-104) Crystal structure of pushcharovskite G.J. Redhammer, G. Amthauer, W. Lottermoser, W. Treutmann (105-120) Synthesis and structural properties of clinopyroxenes of the hedenbergite (CaFe2+Si2O6) - aegirine (NaFe3+Si2O6) solid-solution series G. Della Ventura, P. Rossi, G.C. Parodi, A. Mottana, M. Raudsepp, M. Prencipe (121-127) Stoppaniite, (Fe,Al,Mg)4(Be6Si12O36·(H2O)2(Na,¤), a new mineral of the beryl group from Latium (Italy) V. Kahlenberg, R.X. Fischer (129-135) Crystal growth and cation distribution in doped dicalcium ferrite Ca2(Fe1-xMex)2O5 (Me = Al3+,Ga3+ B. Anselmi, M. Mellini, C. Viti (137-146) Chlorine in the Elba, Monti Livornesi and Murlo serpentines: evidence for sea-water interaction R. Bocchio, L. De Capitani, L. Ottolini, F. Cella (147-161) Trace-element distribution in eclogites and their clinopyroxene/garnet pair: a case study from Soazza (Switzerland) R. Heinemann, H. Kroll, F. Langenhorst, T. Lueder (163-176) Time and temperature variation of the intracrystalline Fe2+,Mg fractionation in Johnstown meteoritic orthopyroxene
Part II: Fluid Inclusions in Minerals; Symposium at the 17th IMA Meeting (Toronto,(1998) F. Raia, J.D. Webster, B. De Vivo (179-193) Pre-eruptive volatile contents of Vesuvius magmas: constraints on eruptive history and behavior. I. The medieval and modern interplinian activities J.S. Cline, A.A. Hofstra (195-212) Ore-fluid evolution at the Getchell Carlin-type gold deposit, Nevada, U.S.A. T. Pettke, L.W. Diamond, J.D. Kramers (213-230) Mesothermal gold lodes in the north-western Alps: a review of genetic constraints from radiogenic isotopes M.L. Frezzotti, L. Dallai, Z.D. Sharp (231-246) Fluid-inclusion and stable-isotope evidence for fluid infiltration and veining during metamorphism in marbles and metapelites