European journal of Mineralogy, 2015, V 27, N 4, August.
Record 1.
TI: An investigation of local Fe2+ order-disorder in a
mantle grospydite garnet using paramagnetically
shifted 27Al and 29Si MAS NMR resonances
AU: Palke, Aaron C.; Geiger, Charles A.;
Stebbins, Jonathan F.
PG: 463-470(8)
Record 2.
TI: Petrophysical properties of a granite-protomylonite-ultramylonite
sequence: insight from the Monte Grighini shear zone,
central Sardinia, Italy
AU: Columbu, Stefano; Cruciani, Gabriele; Fancello, Dario;
Franceschelli, Marcello; Musumeci, Giovanni
PG: 471-486(16)
Record 3.
TI: Phase relations in the K2CO3FeCO3 and
MgCO3FeCO3 systems at 6 GPa and 9001700 C
AU: Shatskiy, Anton; Litasov, Konstantin D.;
Ohtani, Eiji; Borzdov, Yuri M.; Khmelnikov, Aleksandr I.;
Palyanov, Yuri N.
PG: 487-499(13)
Record 4.
TI: Rietveld structure refinement of microcline
AU: Liu, Shanke
PG: 501-510(10)
Record 5.
TI: Fractal and multifractal analyses of sphalerite
banding at the Zhaishang gold deposit,
western Qinling, China
AU: Yu, Chao; Liu, Jiajun
PG: 511-520(10)
Record 6.
TI: Zincian micas from peralkaline phonolites
of the Oktyabrsky massif, Azov Sea region, Ukrainian Shield
AU: Sharygin, Victor V.
PG: 521-533(13)
Record 7.
TI: Crystal chemistry of cation-exchanged forms of
epistolite-group minerals, Part I. Ag- and
Cu-exchanged lomonosovite and Ag-exchanged murmanite
AU: Lykova, Inna S.; Pekov, Igor V.; Zubkova, Natalia V.;
Chukanov, Nikita V.; Yapaskurt, Vasiliy O.;
Chervonnaya, Nadezhda A.; Zolotarev, Andrey A.
PG: 535-549(15)
Record 8.
TI: Characterization of citric acid induced
transformation of short-range-order minerals
in Alfisol, Inceptisol and Vertisol of India
AU: Chatterjee, Dibyendu; Datta, Samar C.;
Manjaiah, Kanchikeri M.
PG: 551-557(7)
Record 9.
TI: Three new alluaudite-like protonated arsenates:
NaMg3(AsO4)(AsO3OH)2, NaZn3(AsO4)(AsO3OH)2 and
AU: ETHorethevic, Tamara; Wittwer, Astrid;
Krivovichev, Sergey V.
PG: 559-573(15)
Record 10.
TI: Kononovite, NaMg(SO4)F, a new mineral from
the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
AU: Pekov, Igor V.; Krzhizhanovskaya, Maria G.;
Yapaskurt, Vasiliy O.; Belakovskiy, Dmitry I.;
Chukanov, Nikita V.; Lykova, Inna S.; Sidorov, Evgeny G.
PG: 575-580(6)
Record 11.
TI: New zinc and potassium chlorides from fumaroles
of the Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia: mineral
data and crystal chemistry. II. Flinteite, K2ZnCl4
AU: Pekov, Igor V.; Zubkova, Natalia V.;
Yapaskurt, Vasiliy O.; Britvin, Sergey N.;
Vigasina, Marina F.; Sidorov, Evgeny G.;
Pushcharovsky, Dmitry . Y.U.
PG: 581-588(8)
Record 12.
TI: Crystal structure of arsenuranospathite
from Rabejac, Lodeve, France
AU: Dal Bo, Fabrice; Hatert, Frederic;
Baijot, Maxime; Philippo, Simon
PG: 589-597(9)