European Journal of Mineralogy, 2015, V 27, N 3, June.
Record 1.
TI: Characterization, diagnosis and conservation of Cultural Heritage
AU: Barone, Germana; Lattanzi, Pierfranco
PG: 267-267(1)
Record 2.
TI: Conservation studies of cultural heritage:
X-ray imaging of dynamic processes in building materials
AU: Cnudde, Veerle; De Kock, Tim; Boone, Marijn;
De Boever, Wesley; Bultreys, Tom; Van Stappen, Jeroen;
Vandevoorde, Delphine; Dewanckele, Jan;
Derluyn, Hannelore; Cardenes, Victor; Van Hoorebeke, Luc
PG: 269-278(10)
Record 3.
TI: X-ray computed micro-tomography to study the
porous structure and degradation processes of
a building stone from Sabucina (Sicily)
AU: Raneri, Simona; Cnudde, Veerle; De Kock, Tim;
Derluyn, Hannelore; Barone, Germana; Mazzoleni, Paolo
PG: 279-288(10)
Record 4.
TI: Neutron scattering and imaging:
a tool for archaeological studies
AU: Teixeira, Jose; Magli, Renato; Loupiac, Camille
PG: 289-296(8)
Record 5.
TI: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance to investigate
inorganic porous materials of interest
in the cultural heritage field
AU: Di Tullio, Valeria; Capitani, Donatella;
Trojsi, Giorgio; Vicini, Silvia; Proietti, Noemi
PG: 297-310(14)
Record 6.
TI: Lime mortar consolidation with nanostructured
calcium hydroxide dispersions: the efficacy of
different consolidating products for heritage c
AU: Arizzi, Anna; Gomez-Villalba, Luz Stella;
Lopez-Arce, Paula; Cultrone, Giuseppe; Fort, Rafael
PG: 311-323(13)
Record 7.
TI: Composition and colouring agents of historical
Islamic glazes measured with EPMA and -XRD2
AU: Gradmann, Rena; Schussler, Ulrich
PG: 325-335(11)
Record 8.
TI: Bronze Age vitreous materials from Punta
di Zambrone (southern Italy)
AU: Conte, Sonia; Matarese, Ilaria; Quartieri, Simona;
Arletti, Rossella; Jung, Reinhard; Pacciarelli, Marco;
Gratuze, Bernard
PG: 337-351(15)
Record 9.
TI: Archaeometric characterization of Proto-Byzantine
glass workshop from the Roman amphitheatre of Catania (Sicily, Italy)
AU: Di Bella, Marcella; Giacobbe, Carlotta;
Quartieri, Simona; Sabatino, Giuseppe; Spigo, Umberto
PG: 353-363(11)
Record 10.
TI: The use of 13C diamond as pressure and temperature
sensor for diamond-anvil-cell experiments
AU: Munsch, Pascal; Bureau, Helene; Yakoubi, Marouan El;
Khodja, Hicham; Zaitsev, Alexander
PG: 365-375(11)
Record 11.
TI: Chromium-rich kyanite, magnesiostaurolite and
corundum in ultrahigh-pressure eclogites (examples
from Pohorje Mountains, Slovenia and Tromso Nappe, Norway)
AU: Janak, Marian; Uher, Pavel; Ravna, Erling Krogh;
Kullerud, Kare; Vrabec, Mirijam
PG: 377-392(16)
Record 12.
TI: Fluid inclusions in ruby from Asian marble
deposits: genetic implications
AU: Giuliani, Gaston; Dubessy, Jean; Banks, David A.;
Lhomme, Therese; Ohnenstetter, Daniel
PG: 393-404(12)
Record 13.
TI: Mambertiite, BiMo5+ 2.80O8(OH), a new mineral from
Su Seinargiu, Sardinia, Italy: occurrence, crystal
structure, and relationships with gelosaite
AU: Orlandi, Paolo; Biagioni, Cristian; Pasero, Marco;
Demartin, Francesco; Campostrini, Italo; Merlino, Stefano
PG: 405-415(11)
Record 14.
TI: Ferro-pedrizite, NaLi2(Fe2+2Al2Li)Si8O22(OH)2,
a new amphibole-supergroup mineral from the Sutlug
pegmatite, Tyva Republic, Russia
AU: Konovalenko, Sergey I.; Ananyev, Sergey A.;
Chukanov, Nikita V.; Aksenov, Sergey M.;
Rastsvetaeva, Ramiza K.; Bakhtin, Anatoliy I.;
Nikolaev, Anatoliy G.; Gainov, Ramil R.;
Vagizov, Farit G.; Sapozhnikov, Anatoliy N.;
Belakovskiy, Dmitriy I.; Bychkova, Yana V.;
Klingelhofer, Gostar; Blumers, Mathias
JN: European Journal of Mineralogy
PG: 417-426(10)
Record 15.
TI: Crystal structure of sideronatrite-2M,
Na2Fe(SO4)2 (OH)(H2O)3, a new polytype from
Xitieshan lead-zinc deposit, Qinghai Province, China
AU: Yang, Zhuming; Giester, Gerald;
Ding, Kuishou; Li, He
PG: 427-432(6)
Record 16.
TI: Mineralogy of the Koktokay No. 3 pegmatite,
Altai, NW China: implications for evolution and
meltfluid processes of rare-metal pegmatites
AU: Zhou, Qifeng; Qin, Kezhang; Tang, Dongmei;
Wang, Chunlong; Tian, Ye; Sakyi, Patrick Asamoah
PG: 433-457(25)