European Journal of Mineralogy, 2009, V 21, N 3.

TI: Preface
AU: Comodi, Paola; Nestola, Fabrizio; Angel, Ross
PG: 523-524

TI: Elasticity measurements on minerals: a review
AU: Angel, Ross J.; Jackson, Jennifer M.; Reichmann, Hans J.; 
Speziale, Sergio
PG: 525-550

TI: Nuclear resonant X-ray spectroscopy of (Mg,Fe)SiO3 orthoenstatites
AU: Jackson, Jennifer M.; Hamecher, Emily A.; Sturhahn, Wolfgang
PG: 551-560

TI: Equation of state and structure of prehnite to 9.8 GPa
AU: Detrie, Theresa A.; Ross, Nancy L.; Angel, Ross J.; 
Gatta, G. Diego
PG: 561-570

TI: Compression behaviour and flexibility window of the analcime-like 
feldspathoids: experimental and theoretical findings
AU: Gatta, G. Diego; Sartbaeva, Asel; Wells, Stephen A.
PG: 571-580

TI: Thermal behaviour of chlorite: an in situ single-crystal 
and powder diffraction study
AU: Zanazzi, Pier Francesco; Comodi, Paola; Nazzareni, Sabrina; 
Andreozzi, Giovanni Battista
PG: 581-589

TI: Bulk modulus variation along the diopsidekosmochlor solid solution
AU: Boffa Ballaran, Tiziana; Nestola, Fabrizio; Tribaudino, Mario; 
Ohashi, Haruo
PG: 591-597

TI: Spontaneous strain variations through the low-temperature displacive 
phase transition of LiGaSi2O6 clinopyroxene
AU: Cmara, Fernando; Nestola, Fabrizio; Angel, Ross J.; Ohashi, Haruo
PG: 599-614

TI: Electrical conductivity of hydrous wadsleyite
AU: Romano, Claudia; Poe, Brent T.; Tyburczy, James; 
Nestola, Fabrizio
PG: 615-622

TI: Diamond oxidation at atmospheric pressure: development of 
surface features and the effect of oxygen fugacity
AU: Fedortchouk, Yana; Canil, Dante
PG: 623-635

TI: Water contents of pyroxenes in intraplate lithospheric mantle
AU: Bonadiman, Costanza; Hao, Yantao; Coltorti, Massimo; Dallai, Luigi; 
Faccini, Barbara; Huang, YU; Xia, Qunke
PG: 637-647

TI: Dynamic effects of aseismic ridge subduction: numerical modelling
AU: Gerya, Taras V.; Fossati, David; Cantieni, Curdin; Seward, Diane
PG: 649-661