ECONOMIC GEOLOGY and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 2004, V 99, N 7, November.
A Special Issue Devoted to Barite and
Zinc-Lead-Silver Deposits in the Red Dog District,
Western Brooks Range Northern Alaska
Guest Editors: Karen D. Kelley and Scott Jennings
A Special Issue Devoted to Barite and Zinc-Lead-Silver
Deposits in the Red Dog District,
Western Brooks Range Northern Alaska - Preface
Karen D. Kelley and Scott Jennings
A Geologic Framework for Mineralization
in the Western Brooks Range
Lorne E. Young
Geochronology of the Western and Central
Brooks Range, Alaska: Implications for the
Geologic Evolution of the Anarraaq and
Red Dog Zn-Pb-Ag Deposits
Cameron S. Rombach and Paul W. Layer
40Ar/39Ar Dating of Zn-Pb-Ag Mineralization
in the Northern Brooks Range, Alaska
Melanie B. Werdon, Paul W. Layer,
and Rainer J. Newberry
Paleomagnetism of the Mesozoic Asik
Mountain Mafic Complex in Northern Alaska:
Implications for the Tectonic History
of the Arctic Composite Terrane
Michael T. Lewchuk, Jamie Foucher,
and R. Douglas Elmore
Depositional Settings, Correlation,
and Age of Carboniferous Rocks in
the Western Brooks Range, Alaska
Julie A. Dumoulin, Anita G. Harris,
Charles D. Blome, and Lorne E. Young
Paleozoic Sedimentary Rocks in the Red
Dog Zn-Pb-Ag District and Vicinity, Western
Brooks Range, Alaska: Provenance,
Deposition, and Metallogenic Significance
John F. Slack, Julie A. Dumoulin,
Jeanine M. Schmidt, Lorne E. Young,
and Cameron S. Rombach
Structure of the Red Dog District,
Western Brooks Range, Alaska
J. De Vera, K. R. McClay, and A. R. King
Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes in Barite
Deposits of the Western Brooks Range,
Alaska, and Implications for the Origin
of the Red Dog Massive Sulfide Deposits
Craig A. Johnson, Karen D. Kelley,
and David L. Leach
Nature of the Hydrothermal Fluids
at the Shale-Hosted Red Dog
Zinc-Lead-Silver Deposits,
Brooks Range, Alaska
David Leach, Erin Marsh,
Poul Emsbo, Cameron Rombach,
Karen Kelley, and Mike Anthony
Multistage Hydrothermal Silicification and
Fe-Tl-As-Sb-Ge-REE Enrichment in the
Red Dog Zn-Pb-Ag district, Northern Alaska:
Geochemistry, Origin, and Exploration Applications
John F. Slack, Karen D. Kelley,
V. Michelle Anderson, Jeffrey L. Clark,
and Robert A. Ayuso
Textural, Compositional, and Sulfur Isotope
Variations of Sulfide Minerals in the Red
Dog Zn-Pb-Ag Deposits, Brooks Range,
Alaska, USA: Implications for Ore Formation
K. D. Kelley, D. L. Leach, C. A. Johnson,
J. L. Clark, M. Fayek, J. F. Slack, V. M. Anderson,
R. A. Ayuso, and W. I. Ridley
Origin of the Red Dog Zn-Pb-Ag Deposits,
Brooks Range, Alaska: Evidence from
Regional Pb and Sr Isotope Sources
R. A. Ayuso, K. D. Kelley, D. L. Leach,
L. E. Young, J. F. Slack, G. Wandless,
A. M. Lyon, and J. L. Dillingham
Paleomagnetism of the Red Dog
Zinc-Lead Massive Sulfide Deposit
in Northern Alaska
Michael T. Lewchuk, David Leach,
Karen Kelley, and David T. A. Symons
Re-Os sulfide Geochronology from the
Red Dog Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb-Ag
Deposit, Alaska
R. M. Morelli, R. A. Creaser, D. Selby,
K. D. Kelley, D. L. Leach, and A. R. King
The Anarraaq Zn-Pb-Ag and Barite
Deposit, Northern Alaska: Evidence
for Replacement of Carbonate by
Barite and Sulfides
Karen D. Kelley, Julie A. Dumoulin,
and Scott Jennings