ECONOMIC GEOLOGY and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, 2003, V 98, N 5,
The Nickeliferous Late Archean Reliance Komatiitic Event in the Zimbabwe Craton
- Magmatic Architecture, Physical Volcanology and Ore Genesis
M. D. Prendergast
pp. 865-891
A Metamorphosed Proterozoic Carbonaceous Shale-Hosted Co-Ni-Cu Deposit at Kalumbila,
Kabompo Dome: The Copperbelt Ore Shale in Northwestern Zambia
Nick Steven and Richard Armstrong
pp. 893-909
Carbonate-Hosted Zn-Pb Deposits in the Upper Silesia, Poland: Origin and Evolution
of Mineralizing Fluids and Constraints on Genetic Models
Wouter Heijlen, Phillipe Muchez, David A. Banks, Jens Schneider, and Henryk Kucha
pp. 811-932
Geochemistry of the Fluids Related to Epigenetic Carbonate-Hosted Zn-Pb Deposits
in the Maestrat Basin, Eastern Spain: Fluid Inclusion and Isotope (Cl, C, O, S, Sr) Evidence
Fidel Grandia, Esteve Cardellach, Angels Canals, and David A. Banks
pp. 933-954
Mineralization and Fluid Inclusion Study of the Shizhuyuan W-Sn-Bi-Mo-F Skarn
Deposit, Hunan Province, China
Huan-Zhang Lu, Yimao Liu, Changlie Wang, Youzhi Xu, and Huaqin Li
pp. 955-974
Changing Pliocene Sea Levels and the Formation of Heavy Mineral Beach Placers
in the Murray Basin, Southeastern Australia
Peter S. Roy and John Whitehouse
pp. 975-983
Depositional Placer Accumulations in Coarse-Grained Alluvial
Braided River Systems
J.P. Burton and Philip Fralick
pp. 985-1001
Utility of High-Altitude Infrared Spectral Data in Mineral
Exploration: Application to Northern Patagonia Mountains, Arizona
Byron R. Berger, Trude V. V. King, Laurie C. Morath, and Jeffrey D. Phillips
pp. 1003-1018
Scientific Communications
Mapping Hydrothermally Altered Rocks at Cuprite, Nevada, Using the Advanced
Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER),
a New Staellite-Imaging System
Lawrence C. Rowan, Simon J. Hook, Michael J. Abrams, and John C. Mars
pp. 1019-1027
Ages of Epithermal Deposits in Mexico: Regional Significance and Links
with the Evolution of Tertiary Volcanism
Antoni Camprubi, Luca Ferrari, Michael A. Cosca, Esteve Cardellach,
and Angels Canals
pp. 1029-1037
The Evolution of Tungsten Sources in Crustal Mineralization from
Archean to Tertiary Inferred from Lead Isotopes
Massimo Chiaradia
pp. 1039-1045