ECONOMIC GEOLOGY, 2002, V 97, N 7, November.
A Special Issue Devoted to the Mineral Deposits of the Sudbury Structure
Mike Lesher and Phil Thurston, Guest Editors
C. M. Lesher and P.C. Thurston
Geology, Mineralization, and Emplacement of the Foy Offset Dike, Sudbury Impact
M. G. Tuchscherer and J. G. Spray
Geology, Mineralization, and Emplacement of the Whistle-Parkin Offset Dike, Sudbury
A. J. Murphy and J. G. Spray
Geology, Geochemistry, and Mineralogy of the Worthington Offset Dyke: A Genetic
Model for Offset Mineralization in the Sudbury Igneous Complex
Peter C. Lightfoot and Catharine E. G. Farrow
Emplacement of Sulfide Deposits in the Copper Cliff Offset Dike during Collapse
of the Sudbury Crater Rim: Evidence from Magnetic Fabric Studies
Ronald G. Scott and Keith Benn
PGE-Co-Ni-Fe Sulfarsenides and Mineral Paragenesis in Some Cu-Ni-PGE Deposits,
Copper Cliff North Area, Sudbury, Canada
Krisztia'n Szentpe'teri, David H. Watkinson, Ferenc Molna'r, and Peter C. Jones
Mineralogy of Ni-Cu-PGE Sulfide Ore in the 800 and 810 Orebodies, Copper Cliff
South Mine and Pressure-Tempature-X Conditions during the Formation of Platinum
Group Minerals
Z. Magyarosi, D. H. Watkinson, and P. C. Jones
An Analysis of Compositional Variations and Spatial Relations within Fe-Ni-Cu
Sulfide Deposits on the North Range of the Sudbury Igneous Complex
A. E. Beswick
Chlorine and Alkali Geochemical Halos in the Footwall Breccia and Sublayer
Norite at the Margin of the Strathcona Embayment, Sudbury Structure, Ontario
K. A. McCormick, C. M. Lesher, A. M. McDonald, J. S. Fedorowich, and R. S. James
The Sudbury Igneous Complex: A Differentiated Impact Melt Sheet
Ann M. Therriault, Anthony D. Fowler, and Richard A. F. Grieve
Vitric Compositions in the Onaping Formation and their Relationship to the
Sudbury Igneous Complex, Sudbury Structure
D. E. Ames, J. P. Golightly, P. C. Lightfoot, and H. L. Gibson
Late-Stage Sulfide Liquid Mobility in the Main Mass of the Sudbury Igneous
Complex: Examples from the Victor Deep, McCreedy East and Trillabelle Deposits
James E. Mungall
The East Bull Lake Intrusive Suite: Remnants of a ~2.48 Ga Large Igneous and
Metallogenic Province in the Sudbury Area of the Canadian Shield
R. S. James, R. M. Easton, D. C. Peck, and J. L. Hrominchuk